Chapter Five

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Frank threw himself down on the bed finding comfort in the soft surface, and closed his eyes. He just wanted to take a well-deserved nap without interruptions, he wondered if Gerard would try to mess with his head again, like usual, while he slept but he sure hoped not.

Liar his brain snickered, okay maybe Frank did like where the other dreams were going but that didn't mean he wanted it to happen again... -ish. Well, it was very frustrating to be honest.

It was no secret that Gerard is gorgeous and Frank was totally attracted to him, but it just felt wrong for Frank to use him like that. And Frank, too, would feel used if Gerard was just doing this just for his own entertainment.

Before he delved deeper into that thought, he drifted off to sleep like he wished he would.


"Oh, hi there little dude." Frank crouched next to a little gorgeous puppy that was tugging at his pants. The little pup barked excitedly and wiggled his tail as Frank petted him, his fur was so soft and relaxing. The puppy barked again and walked away beckoning Frank to follow him and so he did.

He followed the dog into an alley where he found a box that he swore could hear something move inside it. Frank approached the box and opened the lid gingerly. He could feel his heart melt on the spot.

The box was full of other puppies and even kittens too, they were all dressed in superheroes or villains tiny costumes and they all attacked Frank in a fluffy hug. Frank was pretty much sure he was dead and went to heaven as the little animals licked his face and nibbled on his skin, he felt so warm and fuzzy from happiness.

His giggles filled the unknown place he was in when a furry Captain America bit his left toe, his teeth were so small it barely tickled Frank. It was really heart-warming. He played with the small creatures for a long time and he could go on and on forever if he had the chance, but his mother had other plans.

"Frank, dinner is ready." His mother's voice woke him up, he called back and said he was coming but didn't move from the bed. He was too delighted to think about that.

"Hey, sugar. Sleep well?" Another voice made him jump up in bed. He whipped his head around and saw Gerard sitting inclined a bit on his dresser, crossing his legs. Now that weird dream made a whole lot sense, it was rather nice of him to be honest, too.

"What in the world-" Frank gasped in shock.

"What? You don't like my new look?" Gerard teased, but his question held more seriousness than his tone let on.

His vibrant red hair was now platinum blond, and it was shorter than before. It pulled more attention to his pretty face; he had sparkly makeup on too.

Did Frank mention he was wearing a genie costume? Oh yeah, Gerard was in an almost see-though purple chiffon blouse that revealed his abdomen and a matching pair of baggy pants. He wore a golden anklet on his right foot that was linked to a ring on his big toe by a chain littered with black gemstones. He looked hot as fuck. And also had a great sense of humor apparently.

"W-what? NO! You look great, really, you're beautiful." Frank hurried. Gerard wasn't expecting Frank to say that word specifically, which resulted in him flushing pink and suddenly he became a giggling vulnerable school girl.

"Really? Wasn't so sure about that hair colour though." He said a bit more self-conscious.

"No, no, it's gorgeous. You're gorgeous- uh, I mean it's fine. You can make any hair colour work, really." Frank stuttered awkwardly and silently cursed himself. He was staring, staring wasn't polite.

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