Chapter Three

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The sobbing voice went silent, as if holding it's breath when it felt the key's presence in the same room. The key itself started to get a bit warmer too, this still crept the fuck out of Frank.

"Alright, here goes nothing..." He took a deep breath and 'unlocked' the necklace, surprised at how accurate the key fit.

The room suddenly filled with a powerful light, temporarily blinding Frank. The once sad voice boomed through the room, this time carrying with it a tune that filled Frank with hope and happiness and... and... other fucking weird feelings that Frank wasn't used to.

"At fucking last!" the voice sighed out, Frank's eyesight was still blurry from all the excessive light so he couldn't make out the details of the figure. All he was aware of was his increasing heartbeat. "Thank you, kind stranger. I owe you big time."

That was the last thing Frank heard before he heroically passed out.

"Well I wasn't expecting that, awkward." The redhaired man bit his lip and looked down at the unconscious form of his knight in shining armor... and eyeliner. He nudged him with his black high heels stiletto, no movement. The taller man walked a full circle around the static one, examining him and taking in his features more precisely.

"Holy shit, he's beautiful" He muttered to himself. "Wow, humans definitely evolved since the last time I've been up here." He whistled, admiring Frank's delicate features and flawless skin, pierced at the nose and lips, for a couple more seconds before deciding to wake him up

He kneeled down next to him and placed his right hand on the boy's left side of the head, he searched for his consciousness and brought it forward. With a sudden gasp, the unconscious boy's eyes flew open and his body jerked up almost slamming his head against the other one's.

"Hello, gorgeous." The nameless redhead amused. Frank looked like he's just seen a ghost, which wasn't really that far-fetched than the current situation. "What is it? Cat got your tongue?" he smirked. That finally made Frank aware of the circumstances. He was sitting on the floor of a haunted house, face inches apart from a really pretty yet really intimidating man that was wearing a very short, very tight black dress that barely left anything to imagination.

"AGH!" Frank jumped and scooted away from the man but his back hit a wall. "Who the fuck are you?" he asked.

"My name is Gerard, but you can call me Gee." He answered gleefully.

"A-and what do you w-want, Gerard, Gee- whatever." Frank questioned warily. The other's face just broke into a grin.

"Oh, me? I don't want anything, I just wanted out of that shithole. Thank you by the way for that, I believe I'm the one in debt here." He replied cheerfully. Frank only stared up at him, and tried really hard not to stare at his long, pale legs or his milky white shoulders and collarbones that were on full exposure.

"Well? Don't you have anything in mind, sugar?" he cocked his head looking at Frank with wide, hazel, innocent eyes that were just as distracting as everything else about him. Frank only managed to shake his head once, the former pouted.

"Looking at you, you seem to need a lot." Gerard eyed him, his clothes now became dirty after all the digging he did in the backyard and were dusty because nobody cleaned this house since it was built especially for Gerard to be his confinement.

With one hand gesture, Gerard pulled Frank to his feet. With another, Frank was completely dusted off, his clothes as good as new. "Oh damn, there's more to it." Gerard bit his pink, glossed lip in slight concern as he saw the bruises under Frank's shirt. And no, he totally wasn't using his see-through magic abilities to peek under Frank's shirt for personal reasons, nope. He put his hand on Frank's head and just like that, all of his bruises and injuries were gone.

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