Chapter Twenty Four

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"Mikes? What are- HOLY FUCK, GERARD!" Pete gasped too loudly for their sake. "What is he doing here?" he hissed.

"No time for explanation, we need to get to the cellars." Mikey answered hurriedly.

"Wait, what? Why do you want to go there, I've just came out of there. Nothing too special." Pete replied making them halt.

"What? Frank's not there?" Gerard interrogated.

"You mean your human boyfriend? No, why the hell would he be here?" Pete frowned, confused.

"We can't talk here, we need to find a more private place." Mikey muttered, they were lucky that they had run into Pete in the corridors not someone else but they didn't want to push their luck.

"Come with me, I know a place." Pete led them through the palace and into a secret chamber. "Now tell me what the fuck is going on."

"Gerard's boyfriend is missing, we found a stygian iron blade stained with demon blood on his lawn and we think they have him hostage here." Mikey did the quick version.

"Fuck." Pete exhaled, surprised. "If what you're saying is true then it must be a trap! Your father must've done this to lure in Gerard and you fell right into it." Pete chided.

"I don't care, he can do whatever the hell he wants with me, I must get Frank to safety." Gerard snapped.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on. Why does my father want to lure in Gerard?" Mikey asked the logical question.

"He was his best strategist, he knows what Brendon's up to. It's not much of a secret anymore since he had taken over half of Hell back. He knows that Gerard is his only hope to win this fight and he also knows that Gerard wouldn't do shit for him by free will, that's why he probably kidnapped Frank. A bargain." Pete smartly explained.

"Shit, we walked right into a trap." Mikey cursed in a hushed tone.

"I don't give a fuck, I'll do anything for him; I just want Frank back." Gerard complained.

"Gerard, you're my brother and I love you dearly but you need to shut the fuck up." Mikey ordered. "You're not in your right mind at the moment, maybe it's better if you let me handle this. I'll take you home then me and Pete will figure something out."

"Over. My. Fucking. Dead. Body." Gerard glared intently, making his brother uneasy again.

"It's okay, I have a plan." Pete assured. "But it's gonna take a while."

"How long exactly?" Gerard asked incredulously.

"A few days." He answered.

"No, that's way too long." Gerard refused, shaking his head violently.

"Just listen first, it could be a good idea." Mikey begged.

"It is." Pete agreed, Gerard nodded reluctantly. "I have inside news that he's on his way to Agapetos, when the battle starts we'll strike. Easy win." He said, an excited glint in his eyes.

"Shut up, you're joking." Mikey gaped, unbelieving. "Fuck, this is great news." He grinned excitedly.

"But Frank- we don't know what they're doing to him right now as we speak, we can't wait all that time." Gerard stammered, torn.

"Wait a minute." He concluded something. "Mikey, if father didn't assign you for this mission then... who's watching Frank?"

"To be honest, it'd be a career low for father if he did assign me this one. That only leaves one option valid..." Mikey trailed off, filled with dread.

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