Chapter Twenty One

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I'm not even gonna do the smut warnings in this update, this whole chp is basically porn.

Frank sneaked out of his window after making sure his parents were fast asleep and made his way to Gerard's house. It was fairly dark in the quiet streets, only a full moon and a few street lights illuminating his way. He practically broke into a run the last few blocks to his destination, mostly because he was crept out by his surroundings but also because he's excited to see his boyfriend.

When he entered the house, he called for Gerard but the latter didn't answer. Frank frowned, concerned, and started looking for him everywhere. He wasn't in the kitchen or the living room, so that left one option.

Frank made his way upstairs into Gerard's room and indeed there he was, standing in front of the window with the blinds open wide. He looked like he was in some sort of trance.

"Gee?" Frank approached him hesitantly. "Gerard, are you okay?" he repeated louder. The Djin's head snapped to the source of noise, trance broken.

"Frank!" Gerard exclaimed, eyes widening in surprise. "I didn't hear you come in."

"I've been standing here for almost five minutes, are you alright?" Frank was still worried about Gerard's weird behavior.

"Yes, yeah I'm completely fine." Gerard swatted his concern, his eyes still slightly unfocused.

"Are you sure? You don't look too fine." Frank wasn't used to Gerard being this... apathetic. Whenever Frank would come over he'd usually greet him with a lot more excitement than that, he'd be all over him at least for half an hour but now, Gerard didn't even make an attempt to hug Frank.

"Yes, I'm sure. It's just- the full moon." He exhaled, nervous.

"What about the full moon?" Frank questioned further more, taking another step forward and lacing his fingers with Gerard's.

"Nothing, it's just that- I don't really know how to explain it but, like with werewolves by example. The full moon has power over all the supernatural creatures, for mages it gives this surge of power. All my senses get heightened and I'm on edge all the time, it's nothing dangerous so don't worry about it." He explained.

"Oh, okay then, cool." Frank nodded and smiled. He got on his tiptoes and tried to kiss Gerard, but the latter took action faster than Frank could process.

He grabbed Frank's hips and pulled him against his body roughly, shoving his tongue down Frank's throat and kissing him super vigorously. Frank was a little taken aback by the sudden reaction and was even more stunned when Gerard's hand moved lower and gripped his ass harshly, he made a surprised noise. Gerard didn't even bother to break the kiss before pulling Frank closer to him again and grinded against him.

"Woah, a little eager, are we?" Frank broke the kiss, gasping for air. He wasn't necessarily objecting but, this was definitely a first for Gerard. Frank was known to be the one who always initiated things like that.

"I'm sorry, it's just another effect of the full moon." Gerard stepped back and apologized quickly, breathing heavily as he tried to recompose himself.

"Yeah? Well then, that's another thing to add to the list of why I like full moons." Frank smirked. In almost no time, Gerard was pinning him against the wall, both fighting for dominance but Gerard was visibly winning. He literally tore Frank's clothes off and the latter had little time to complain about it as he was shoved down on the bed.

Gerard crawled on top of him and pinned his arms above his head as he trailed down open-mouthed kisses all over his naked upper body and leaving hickeys almost everywhere. He straddled Frank's hips and the latter moaned loudly at the created friction. Gerard tossed off his shirt and other items of clothing left on him before retrieving a bottle of lube.

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