Chapter 40. Misleading Trust.

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Chapter 40

Katelyn's POV

It has been two days since I got to Brady's house. If you're wondering Brady is the guy that I owe two dollars. I've had plenty of chances to give the money back to him, but he just wouldn't accept it. He has been very caring and sweet. But recently he has started to distance himself from me. The thought that I did something wrong was just buzzing around in my brain, but I couldn't find any answers.

I just got up. I took a warm shower and then got dressed. I went downstairs and entered the kitchen. I saw Brady downstairs talking to someone, but I couldn't make out who it was. I assumed that it was one of his friends and shrugged it off. But when I saw who it was I instantly regretted my decision of even agreeing to come here. I started backing away, but he was faster than me. I flipped a chair, hoping it would slow him down and give me a chance to run, but it only made him angrier and he jolted towards me. He grabbed my hand and took a giant needle out of his pocket. My eyes instantly widened as I stared at the huge needle whilst trying to get away, of course. A smirk danced upon his lips as he jabbed the needle in my neck and released the liquid(A/N OK YEAH TOTALLY SOUNDED NON-PERVERTED YEAH BUT ITS NOT IN THAT WAY OK). I felt my eyelids get heavier and heavier as the seconds passed by. I fought to keep them open, but this was a battle I couldn't win. I knew once I closed my eyes, it could be the last time.

He picked me up and started carrying me bridal style to what seemed like a car that he had stolen. My breathing increased and I started to shake rapidly. My eyelids were a few millimeters close to shutting, but I couldn't let myself close them. He scoffed and manually closed my eyes. That's when everything went black.

Jay's POV

Since Kate left, everything has been really quiet and boring. Nothing else to make us laugh, no more sarcasm to use when one of us says something incredibly stupid or obvious, no more joy. We would usually just sit around and watch The News all day. hoping that someone would spot her, or we would just see her face in general, but we never would, and we would all go to bed depressed and guilty. It's funny how just one mistake can change a whole relationship, eh?

Right now we were all sitting in front of the television, not saying a word. Suddenly the doorbell rang and I went up to answer it. I sleepily opened the door, since I haven't slept properly in days. Hell, I'm not sure any of us had had a peaceful night since she left. I looked around and saw nobody. I sighed then proceeded to close the door, but before I did I saw a note lying on the ground written in messy handwriting. I picked it up and instantly realized who wrote it. I hurried back to where the lads were and waved the note in the air. Siva turned down the volume and they looked at me, waiting for me to read it. I took a deep breath then started:

If you want your precious little Katelyn back meet me at the abandoned Apple Warehouse tonight at 6 PM sharp. Bring one million dollars in cash or you'll never see her pretty face ever again.

- Who wrote it? - Tom quietly asked.

- Signed N-Nathan. - I stuttered.

- That's it! I'm finding the bastard and killing him with my own bare fucking hands! - Max yelled than stood up.

- Agreed! - Tom, Siva and I all shouted at once.

*time skip at the warehouse*

We all entered the abandoned warehouse, ready for anything.

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