Chapter 38. I'm Closer Then You Think.

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Chapter 38

Katelyn's POV

I was still in the hospital. I have to stay here for another week and I swear when I get out I'm going to sue this place for the amount of rest they're making me get. The boys come and visit me every day being here from opening hours to late evenings, sometimes they would even stay the night.

These boys made me feel safe and loved - something that I never felt before in my life, not until I met them. But one of them especially stood out from the others...

His strong arms were wrapped around my waist as we slowly danced. He knew I couldn't dance, but he didn't care.

His sparkling brown eyes stared straight into mine, his warm breath on my face.

And then, it hit me.

He is the one.

Suddenly the lads ran into my hospital room carrying balloons and flowers.

- Woah, woah hold up! What's the occasion? - I asked them.

- Your album is number one on iTunes! - Siva said out of breath.

A smile creeped upon my lips as well as theirs.

The doctor came into the room carrying a whiteboard. He was my doctor for my whole life, so he knows my exact story.

- Hi, Katelyn. I'm here to tell you about your condition. - he said and warmly smiled at me.

I nodded, motioning for him to continue.

- Well it seems that you passed out due to stress and managed to slip into a coma for two months. Basically your brain said 'yo g I've had enough of this imma take a break, cool?'. After we release you from the hospital you may want to feel adrenaline but it'll go away in a couple of weeks. - he said.

I nodded, trying to remember every word he said to me.

The doctor smiled and left the room.

*1 month later*

It is now February 26th and we are going on tour in a couple of weeks. It has been a month since I was released from the hospital and so far everything is going great. Nothing bad has happened and I am finally beginning to emotionally recover from everything.

Tom asked me to be his girlfriend when I was released out of the hospital and I gladly said yes. It is now about a month since we have started dating.

Right now me and the boys were watching TV. Suddenly the phone started to ring and Max got up to answer it.

He answered the phone and started talking while our eyes were still glued to the TV.

- Are you crazy?! - he shouted into the phone.

We all turned our heads to him and he looked beyond pissed.

He hung the phone up and slammed it onto the receiver(A/N idk if that's what you call it but whatever you get the point).

- We have to visit the mental hospital. - he said to us.

All eyes instantly went on me as I hesitantly nodded. All of us got up and went upstairs to get ready, since we were wearing hoodies and sweatpants.

I slowly went upstairs and opened the door to my bedroom.

I went into the bathroom and peeled off my clothes then hopped into the shower.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. My eyes lingered up to the mirror and I examined myself. I let out a deep sigh then got dressed and went back downstairs to find the boys waiting for me. They each gave me a warm smile which I returned.

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