Chapter 7. Old faces.

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Chapter 7

I ran upstairs and started looking through my closet. The guys bought be a bunch of new clothes. I didn't want them to but they insisted. I found a black and white striped swimsuit and put it on under my clothes. I went downstairs.

There was a man standing there. It wasn't any of the boys. But it was someone that looked familiar. I slowly and hesitantly went up to him. That's when he turned around. It was... Ryan.

I screamed and turned around to run back upstairs. I ran about seven feet but he grabbed my arm and pushed me against the wall. He pointed a gun at me. I heard footsteps coming down by now. It was Nathan and Siva. After them came the others. They saw Ryan.

- Okay, calm down. Put the gun down. We can work this out. - Jay said.

- No. I warned this little bitch not to tell anyone about me and she didn't listen. And now she has to face the consequences. He screamed in my face.

- You're outnumbered. - Siva said.

- Oh really? - and that's when all the people who adopted me came in.

It was like my worst nightmare.

By now Ryan had his hand on my throat.

I kicked Ryan in the balls. I told the guys to run. Jay waited for me. After I reached him he pulled me in front of him. We started running. We saw the guys were heading for their basement. We started running towards it but. Right when I was about to enter it Ryan shot Jays leg. He fell to the floor. Luckily I was right next to the basement door so Tom helped me pull him in. Siva and Nathan pushed the door closed. I took a deep breath. I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall. I wanted to pull my legs up to my chest but that's when I remembered that Jays leg got shot. I went up to Jay. I looked at his leg. It was badly wounded. I stared looking through stuff in the basement. I found some whiskey and a shirt. Just what I needed. I opened the bottle of whiskey. I was about to pour it onto Jays leg.

- This WILL sting. - I warned him.

He nodded.

After that I spilled some whiskey on his leg. I knew was he felt. I knew how painful it was for him.

After it was done burning I tore a sleeve off of the shirt and spilled some whiskey on that too. Then I wrapped it around his leg. I tied it so I wouldn't have to worry about it falling off. (This method actually works)

- That should hold it.

- How do you know all this? - Jay asked. By now we were all sitting in a circle.

- Do you really want to know the answer to that question?

- No I guess I don't. - he replied.

- But I do. - Tom said.

- When you're abused from an early age you learn survival skills. A lot of them. That's how I know how to fight. - Oh. - he replied.

- Anyone know what time it is? - I asked.

- Yeah it's 16:30. - Nathan said.

- Well looks like we will be stuck here for a while.

- We could play truth or dare. - Tom suggested.

- Why not?

*at around 11 pm*

- Kate truth or dare? - Siva asked me.

- Dare me! - I said and threw my hands up in the air.

- I dare you to... - he thought for a minute and then said - Kiss Nathan!

- Whaaaat? - me and Nathan said at the same time.

- You heard me. Kiss him!

- Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! - thy all started chanting.

We looked at each other and he started leaning in. I guess I didn't have a choice. I started to lean in too.

But when our lips touched it was like fireworks.

Nathan's POV

We started leaning in. I've wanted to kiss her for so long. Ever since we found her under that tree. She was beautiful. I knew she didn't feel the same way but I wanted her to be mine.

When our lips touched it was like fireworks.

Katelyns POV

Everybody around us started cheering. We pulled back.

"Oh shit did I really just feel fireworks?!"

Then I heard the basement door open then Ryan came in.

- Aww, what a cute couple. It's a shame you two wont be getting to see each other. - with that he grabbed my arm. And pulled me to him.

I had my gun in my hand. I knocked him out and pointed the gun at the other people. They backed up and ran out of the house. I looked back at the guys. They were pointing behind me. I turned around just to find Ryan standing there with my gun.

- Goodbye Katelyn. - and with that he pulled the trigger. - what? Why?

- You think I keep a loaded gun? - and with that I kicked roundhouse kicked him in the face. Again. And again. And again. Until he lost all consciousness.

Chuck Norris would be proud.

Then the police bursted through the door. Nathan came up to me and hugged me. I don't know why but I broke down in tears. And with that I heard a gunshot. And that's when everything went black.

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