Chapter 5. Waking Up.

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Chapter five.

Chapter 5

I woke up to an annoying beeping sound. I slowly turned my head, looked to my left and there was a heart monitor there. I looked to my right and there was a door.

I wanted to get up. I tried once but failed. I tried again and this time I managed to get up on my elbows. I saw the guys sitting on the chairs in front of me.

They were all doing something on their phones.

They saw me and started running towards me. I got scared and fell back on the hospital bed. It hurt. Badly.

- Oh crap. - I mumbled to myself.

- You okay? - Siva asked me.

- I'm lying on a hospital bed with probably broken bones and you're asking if I'm okay?

- I guess I am. I'll go get a doctor. - he replied.

- Okay.

I saw Jay looking at scars on my wrist. I put my hand on my stomach so nobody else could notice. He looked at me. I slightly shook my head in a no motion. But he didn't listen and took my arm. He observed the scars on my wrist. Oh shit.

- What is is, Jay? - Tom asked him.

- Katelyn what are these scars? - he asked me completely ignoring Toms question.

After he asked the question Siva walked in with the doctor.Thank god. I knew Jay was gonna ask me again sometime, but not soon though.

- Well Katelyn would you like to know your injuries? - the doctor asked me.

- Yeah.

- Well your leg is broken. But you can go home today.

- Okay. What time?

- Right now.

*at home*

- Kate the doctor said take it easy. - Jay told me.

- Doctors say a lot of things.

- Kate, I'm not kidding. - he said again.

- Neither am I. They do say a lot of things you know. - I replied.

- I'm serious. - he told me once more.

- Okay... You win. - I wasn't gonna argue with him. I just got out of the hospital. Besides I was tired.

- Good. Now let me help you. - he said.

- No. I can get upstairs myself. - I said giving him a smirk.

- You know I don't want to use force on an injured lady. - he said looking at me.

- Okay fine. - I replied to him in defeat.

After that he tried to help me but I ended up in serious pain. I started screaming as the pain shot through me like a knife.

I ended up sleeping on the couch the first night. But I didn't complain. It was comfy.

*the next morning*

I was woken up by the smell of pancakes. I got up and started making my way to the kitchen.

Nathan was cooking.

- Morning, love. - he said.

- Morning. Your couch is very soft.

- Yeah, I know. Want some breakfast?

- Sure.

I sat down. Nathan sat next to me and handed me a plate full of pancakes. He had one too. I looked at him with huge eyes.

- What? - he asked.

- You expect me to eat all this? - I said. Still with hide eyes.

- I expect you to eat most of it. - he said eating one of his pancakes.

I looked at him. I started eating. After one pancake I was more than full.

- Thats all you're gonna eat? - he said. By now he was halfway done with his food.

- I literally can't eat anymore. - I replied to him.

- Wait, how much do you weigh? - he asked.

- Umm, I don't know. - I asked confused.

He lead me to the bathroom and told me to stand on the scales.

The reader showed a number. It was 78 pounds.

- Oh god, you're seriously underweight.

- I'm sorry? - I said. By now I thought he was going to hit me.

But he didn't.

*after breakfast*

- So what do you want to do today? - Jay asked me.

- Well according to you or as you say the doctor Im supposed to take it easy. - I replied to him.

He face palmed himself.

- I guess I should actually. - I said.

- Yeah. We could watch a movie. - Siva suggested.

- Sure.

After that he went to pick something out. He came back and set it up. We were watching candy man.

I fell asleep in the middle of the movie. That's an old bad habit of mine.

I woke up to somebody carrying me. I started to panic.

- Shh, Kate it's me Max. You fell asleep during the movie. I'm just carrying you upstairs.


After that I fell back asleep.

2 weeks later.

- Yaay I feel so freeeeee! - I yelled. The cast was just taken off. Thank god.

- Hey you're still fragile. Be careful. - Tom warned me.

- Thats what you said a week ago. - I said to him.

- Yeah but... - he couldn't say anything else. But I was right. He did say that a week ago.

I got in the car. I noticed I got a text message on my old piece of poo phone. I took it out. It read an unknown number.

Stay away from the wanted. If you don't you'll regret it.

I looked at the message with huge eyes.

- What is it? - Nathan asked me. Noticing my expression.

- T-t-t-t-text m-m-message.

He had a worried look on his face. He took my phone as the other boys were trying to calm me down.

- I'll get our security guards to trace the number. - Nathan said.

- Okay.






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