Chapter Thirty-Four

Start from the beginning

I must have dozed off but I was woken up by a piercing scream. I felt Bella tremble against me. Looking down, I saw her wings beginning to poke through her shoulder blades, about halfway formed. There was nothing I could do to lessen the pain. If I healed her, the pain would begin anew when they pushed back through. "Bella, I'm here, love," I whispered.

She gripped me, her strength shocking me and she whimpered. "Edward ... it hurts. Make it stop," she cried.

"I can't make it stop. If I do, you'll die," I said against her forehead. "But, we made you like me."

"An angel?" she choked out, the pain evident in her voice.

"Yes, love," I said. "What you're feeling is your wings poking through your back, along your shoulder blades." She moaned as her wings continued to grow. I looked at the time, seeing it was early in the morning. "Two more days, Bella."

"But, in the end, I get to keep you?" she squeaked.

"Forever and always," I answered. I looked down at her and she was staring up at me, her eyes filled with tears, but a tentative feeling of hope filled our room. I was also able to hear more of her mental voice. It was moving quickly, processing thoughts like an angel, but not quite there yet. There was still some damage from Riley's corruption. I saw what he showed her. Our deaths and destruction, but she didn't buckle. She didn't yield.

"I didn't," she whispered. "It was our love that helped me, Edward." With a grimace, she reached up and caressed my cheek. "I love you, Edward. So much. I never thought I'd get to show you."

I smiled, tears streaking down my cheeks. "I love you, too, Bella. Hearing you say those words ..."

"I was a fool," she said, but growled as her body shuddered. I tightened my arms around her and she melted against me. I idly played with her hair, humming quietly and she drifted asleep.

"You were not a fool, my love," I said. "You were tortured for years, but you were finally strong enough to stand up for yourself. And you did. I love you so much for saving me and I would do anything for you." She sighed, her head moving to the crook of my neck. When she fell into a deeper sleep, her wings continued to grow and her mind healed.

Edward, it's time, Esme called to me mentally.

I sighed, kissing Bella's temple and laying her on her stomach so her wings could continue to grow. "Felix, up," I said. My dog jumped on the bed, taking my spot on the bed. "Keep her safe, boy."

I changed into a pair of jeans and a button-down. When I was dressed, I met Esme out in the living room. "Do you know how long she'll rest?"

"Until you return. You need to identify the body and then go to the school to pick up her belongings," she said. "Mrs. Cope will be there and she'll be all fake, I'm warning you. She'll feign concern, but she didn't really care that Bella was taken. I think ... if Riley had stayed alive, she would have been the next one to turn." Her eyes glazed over and she saw an alternative future. "Or maybe ... I don't know. My gift is spotty at best right now."

"Hmmmm, and Lauren and Jessica?" I asked.

"They were let go," Esme smirked. "At the police station, while they were being held as persons of interest, they had to undergo a drug test. They both tested positive. The school district has a strict anti-drug policy. Their employment was terminated."

"Just desserts," I snorted. "How are you?"

"I'm ... struggling," she said, "but I know that Carlisle's soul has been recycled. I can feel his presence. He's not here. He's in England, I believe."

"Will you watch over him?" I asked.

"My heart will always recognize him," she replied. "Like Alice, I'll be in his life, but I won't hover. I'll be a friend, a confidante and when the time is right, a lover." She hugged me and gave me a somewhat believable smile. "I'll stay with your mate. You deal with the aftermath of closing out her human life."

"Thank you, Esme," I said, kissing her cheek. I left my home, reluctantly, and drove to the Clallam County Coroner's Office. Charlie met me outside, shaking my hand and frowning deeply. We walked inside and into a frozen room. The medical examiner pulled back a sheet, revealing Alice's still form, but she looked like Bella.

"Is this Isabella Swan?" asked the medical examiner.

I sobbed, remembering that moment in the field. Her last words ... her whispered 'I love you' and hearing her heart stop. Charlie held me. "Edward? Is this Bella?"

"Yes," I cried, reaching for Alice's cheek and brushing it tenderly.

You're rocking the grieving, Edward. Excellent work, Alice thought to me.

"Did you know what Miss Swan wanted to be done? If she had died?" the medical examiner asked.

"Mr. Cullen is a close friend of the family. I'll take care of the preparations," Charlie said. "She said she wanted to be cremated." He handed the ME a card. "This man will be by to pick up her remains."

"No autopsy?" he asked.

"No," I said. "No. I want her whole."

"Understood, sir. My condolences." He covered Alice's face and Charlie led me out of the room.

"Seth will pick up Alice and wipe his mind clean," Charlie whispered quietly. "Now, I've expedited a death certificate. You need it to claim Bella's stuff at the school."

He handed me an envelope. I took it and left, driving to the school where we worked. I walked into the main office, holding my keys. Ms. Whittier was sitting at the small conference table and she blinked up. "Edward! Have you heard anything? I've been checking the news about Bella's disappearance. A lot of dead ends."

"Uh, she was abducted by her ex-boyfriend. The janitor? Riley Biers?" I said. "They were in a car accident. They both died."

"Edward," she gasped, running to me and hugging me tightly. "I'm so sorry. Bella was a favorite among the children and I was so pissed when she was let go. In fact, with the drama with Lauren and Jessica, I was going to call her back if she wanted one of their positions."

"Where's Mrs. Cope?" I asked.

"She was let go, as well," Ms. Whittier said. "Something about knowing about Riley's criminal history but still hiring him or something. I've been promoted to principal and one of the fifth-grade teachers is stepping into my position as assistant principal."

"Congratulations," I said, giving her a half smile, but I wanted to get out of here. I needed to get back to Bella. "Anyway, I'm here to pick up Bella's stuff. I'm her next of kin. She had no living family." I handed her the death certificate.

"If you need any help, Edward," Ms. Whittier frowned. "Will there be a funeral?"

I shook my head. "No, Bella wanted to be cremated and I'm honoring wishes. I'm also leaving the area. It's too painful to stay. I was going to marry her and ..." I gave her a grimace. "Anyway, I'll be out of here in a little bit. I just wanted to drop off my keys, along with Bella's." She hugged me again and walked me down to Bella's room. Angela obviously had been by, emptying out her space. I grabbed a flatbed cart and loaded up Bella's school supplies, bringing them to my car and filling up the trunk and backseat with her classroom supplies. I left the school, driving back to my house.

Alice was back when I returned. I hugged her and thanked her for what she did, but I needed to be with my mate, my reason for being. I'd been away from her for too long. With that, everyone left the house and I lay down next to her, caressing her hair, murmuring my unending love and waiting, rather impatiently, for her to complete her transformation.

A/N: We're getting close to the end, folks. I'm thinking one more chapter from each of their POVs. Bella will be her waking up as an angel, showing, telling and sharing her love with Edward. They're also going to introduce Bella to the legion of angels. So, we'll have two more REAL chapters (Edward will be more along the lines of assuming his new role as a Dominion Lordship and making his union with Bella complete, permanent, official) and then an epilogue.

Leave me some! Thank you for reading! 

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