"Alex... Isaac was stabbed," Samuel said, with tears in his eyes and nearly out of breath from sprinting around the building. "By who?" Alex asked. "I don't know but he had the rose tattoo on his neck," Samuel said as he grasped Alex's right arm and directed her to the room. Alex grabbed her walkie talkie and called for Bailey. Bailey ran down the hall, turned on the room lights and saw the man, lying dead according to her, even though she didn't check the pulse. But in the middle of the room, she saw Isaac lying limp in Jeff's arms. Bailey ran over and felt Isaac's pulse, "He's still alive, but I might need to see how deep the wound is." Marceline knelt down next to Jeff, trying to calm him down, but heard quick footsteps run out of the room. She looked down the hall out of confusion, and saw Samuel running outside the room. She followed after him and ended up falling over from running so fast. She got up and began running again. She finally caught up with Samuel, who was gasping for air, as he stood in the center of the hallway. "Samuel, you okay?" she asked as she lightly felt his left shoulder. "I've fucked up Marceline, I've fucked up before, but not as bad as this," Samuel said, standing as stiff as a tree. Marceline was about to speak, but Samuel pinned her to the wall by her shoulders and pulled out his gun. "Marceline," he began with a tone of stress in his once calm, raspy voice. "Do me a favor, and shoot me." The words hit her like a brick, seeing the hurt in Samuel's blue eyes. Marceline took the gun from Samuel as he stepped back with his arms in the air. "Please, just do it," he said, closing his eyes. Marceline looked at the gun, and threw it on the ground and ran into Samuel's arms. "No," she said as she began to cry. "We've all made mistakes, Samuel, but Isaac will be okay. He's been shot by a BB gun in the back before, he'll be okay. It's not your fault that some guy was just in that room waiting to kill someone." Samuel didn't know what to say, all he could do was break down and cry as Marceline held him close.

Isaac walked out of the room later with a large patch on his back and Jeff helping him walk by walking right next to him with his arms over his shoulders. "Isaac you're okay!" Samuel cried, running up and wrapping his arms around him. "I'm okay Samuel, I've had worse happen to me," Isaac said, patting Samuel on the back. Marceline smiled, "Told you. He'll be fine." "Is the guy still dead?" C.J. asked. Bailey nodded, "He looked dead to me." "Everyone back in the RV, I found something we might need to check out. Plus something I should give to L.J.," Alex said, holding a small box under her right arm. "What's in it?" Clancy asked as they walked. "You'll see," Alex said. As everyone left, Bailey was grabbed by her arm by something and before she could scream, something covered her mouth, and dragged her back into the building.

"So Alex... what's in the box?" Clancy asked again as soon as they got into the RV. Alex smiled and opened the box, revealing money and a map with several black X's on it. "Is this, a map of Thunder Valley and St. John?" Isaac asked, as he read the maps highway marks. Alex nodded, "Yep, and look at the hand writing, nobody but Michael Rose has that type of writing. And check out how much cash in in here, not that we need any, but there has to be at least ten hundred dollars in here." "She's right, but who's L.J.?" Isaac asked. "An old friend of ours. He tried to kill us until he realized we both were trying to take out Michael. So, L.J. Rogers and his gang and I teamed up and tried to ambush one of Michael's hideouts, that building was one of them. But we didn't the other four," she explained. "Hey I hate to break this conversation, but I can't find Bailey. She did come in the RV, right?" Jeff asked as he walked out of the girls bedroom. Clancy shrugged, "I saw her walk outside with us." "Then why isn't she here?" Jeff wondered. "Well, she's probably asleep or something, she sleeps a lot," Alex said. "Hey Alex, I can drive if you need to rest," Samuel said. She nodded, "Yeah sure, I'm going to do more research on the hideouts. I'll be in my room looking at the map if you need me." Samuel started the engine and drove down the road.

Once Samuel had driven for about ten minutes, he came to a crossroad. "What's the hold up?" Jeff asked. "I hear something coming," Samuel said, looking to the left of the crossroad. A large black jeep passed by, with a familiar face in the back window with a cloth around their mouth. "Guys, that was Bailey in the back seat!" Isaac yelled, getting a closer look at the jeep. "Wait, who was driving it?" Clancy asked. "Michael and Peter," Jeff said. "What happened?" Alex asked. "Alex, Michael's got Bailey," Clancy said. "Fuck," Alex mumbled under her breath. "I need two people to go after that jeep. A good runner and a good aim," Alex said, slamming the map on the booth table. "The rest of you will help me navigate," she added with a demanding voice. "I'll go," Samuel said, grabbing Alex's pistol from the dashboard of the drivers seat. "I'll go too, if something happens, someone's getting shanked," Marceline said, holding up her blade. "Great, did you see where they were heading?" Alex asked. "Down that road," Samuel said as he pointed the gun down a one-way street. "That's a one-way road, it goes straight down that way. If you can run that fast, then go for it. That road stops about three miles down. Be careful is all I ask," Alex said. The two ran out the RV door and sprinted down the street.

They came to a tunnel the shape of a semi circle. Confused, Marceline asked, "Should we? The tire tracks end here." Samuel held Marceline's left hand and said, as he looked her in the eyes, "Yeah, we should. But I promise I'll be right by you." She nodded, and they both walked in. However, the small tunnel led to a staircase that went into darkness. Marceline took out a flashlight from the back pocket of her corduroy pants and said, "Shall we?" Samuel nodded as they walked down the staircase that lead to a narrow tunnel system. The system was cleared out so only one tunnel remained, and a large white light was shined in the distance of the ending. "Wait here," Samuel said, walking down the tunnel. Once he saw the coast was clear, Marceline ran after him and they both heard two people talking. Marceline saw a ledge and said, "Lift me up, I can get a better view from up there." Samuel nodded and  lifted her up by her hips, and she latched onto the top of the ledge. Marceline climbed up then helped Samuel up, and they both heard the voices getting louder. The crawled to the end of the ledge and saw Michael and Peter, talking to someone tied to a pole, standing ankle deep in water. "Now young lady, you tell me where I can find  Webb, and I'll set you free. If not, then we'll leave you here to drown," Michael said. "Who's tied up?" Marceline asked. Samuel got a closer look and saw Bailey tied to a pole with a blank look on her face. "It's Bailey," he said. "Oh shit," Marceline mumbled. "You better talk young lady, or the tide will come in and it will be too late," Peter said, as he tightened the rope around her waist. Bailey just rolled her eyes and looked the other way. Michael grabbed Bailey by her shirt collar and screamed, "THIS IS YOU LAST CHANCE BAILEY!" "She won't talk, you bastard," Samuel mumbled. "What do we do?" Marceline asked. "Just stay here and watch  what happens when you cross a smart orphan with a dumb gang leader," Samuel said, leaping off of the ledge and grabbing onto a pipe and sitting on top. "Samuel what the hell?" Marceline asked. All he did was wink at her and leap from pipe to pipe, and hung by his legs right behind Michael. "Michael, look behind you!" Peter yelled. Michael turned his head, but Samuel pulled himself up and leaped onto three other pipes before cocking his gun and shooting at a large pipe, causing it to fall over right behind Michael.

"Good job Peter, a little too soon?" Michael asked. "Samuel was behind you!" Peter said. "Where? I swear Peter if your playing with me I'll shoot you're brains out!" Michael said. Marceline snickered as Samuel hung by his legs like a spider on one of the pipes and threw a rock in the tunnel exit direction. The two men looked over, but heard Samuel's laughter and looked up and saw him hanging like a spider over their heads. "Get down here boy if you want to live!" Michael yelled. "I don't think so, Rose," Samuel taunted, leaping onto another pipe and threw a rock at Peter, hitting him in his eye patch. "You little son of a bitch!" Peter screamed, shooting at Samuel. Peter missed Samuel by an inch, but Samuel played dead. Marceline looked down and saw a rabid stray dog out of the corner of her eye. She leaped off the ledge and grabbed a large pipe that was lying on the floor, and taunted the dog with it. She threw it in the direction of the two men and the dog went crazy. The dog leaped onto Michael and clawed at his chest and neck. Peter shot the dog and grabbed Michael and they ran out of the tunnel. The minute they left, Samuel sat up and jumped off the pipe. They both ran back to the ledge and Samuel cheered, "We did it Marcy!" "Samuel, what about Bailey?" Marceline asked. "Bailey, oh shit Bailey!" Samuel yelled, after snapping his fingers. He saw that the water was now neck high and saw Bailey screaming for help. He jumped into the water, cut the rope off her waist and chest with the blade Marceline had given him, and pulled her out of the water. "You okay?" Samuel asked her, the minute they hit the ledge. Bailey nodded as she clung to Samuel, who looked very attractive with his concerned look in her eyes. Marceline helped them both up out of the water and said, "We should go, that dog is alive because he was shot in the leg. He'll be back for blood." Samuel nodded and they all raced out of the tunnel.

The Hunt: The Final Chase (3) (Edited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora