Chapter 7: The Tour

Start from the beginning

"Arnold! I told you to set the goats earlier!" Hammond shouted at one of the men. Arnold had brown skin and glasses, he also had a smoke in his mouth.

"I just forgot to activate the code...sorry," Arnold replied.

"Jeez Arnold, you got to know to set your codes," the other man said. He was white-peach with glasses also, he also seemed to be a bit more fatter than everyone else. He sat on the opposite end with a littered desk.

"Denis we have absolutely NO TIME for any of that!," Hammond shouted.

"Hey, Arnold's only activated 1,956 lines of the feeding code this month...i've been setting every other code THIS YEAR, just stating facts," Denis responded. Hammond slapped his face.

"Wonder if it really was a good decision to hire you Denis," Hammond mumbled.

"Hey all of you! Quiet! They stopped at the Tyrannosaur paddock," Ronald shouted. All of them looked at the monitor. The two cars were right next to the pen.

"Maybe if we're lucky I can set the feeding system on time," Arnold replied. He went of the camera and started to dial code for the feeding system on a blue code screen. Denis started to set the system for the scent trail.

"YES! I got it!" Arnold shouted. Everyone returned to look at the camera. There was a small goat right in front of the cars. Yet, Sans and Alphys weren't taking this feeding method right.

"T-rex don't scavenge for food, they want to hunt," Sans replied.

"E-Exactly, this feeding method won't work unless the T-T-rex is accustomed to this," Alphys continued. They all looked out the window. In the front car, everyone was jumping up and down, excited to see the T-rex.

"T-rex T-rex T-rex!" Monster kid and Muffet shouted. The lawyer covered his ears as he looked out the window. Frisk also jumped up and down to their beat. The T-rex still didn't seem to show up.

"You have got to be Flipping kidding me!" Arnold screamed out.

"We need to have another dinosaur on the premise in about 5 minutes," Denis stated.

"Why not just now!" Ronald shouted.

"Because the cars are moving again," Denis replied. Everyone returned to have a glimpse at the cars, and like Denis said, they were moving.

"Shoot...what's the next dinosaur up?" Arnold asked. He threw his cigarette in the trash and looked at everyone for an answer.

"The Triceratops...but it's sick today," Hammond replied.

"They're approaching the Triceratops your stations!" Ronald stated.

"You need to get back to the raptor pen! Let us handle this," Denis shouted.

"Neither of you need to fight! Jesus!" Arnold shouted. Both of them snarled, then returned back to work. Meanwhile in the cars...

"Well that's two of the dinosaurs gone...think the next will be the same?" Sans asked.

"Seems quite like it...but we should still stay optimistic!" Toriel exclaimed.. Undyne smiled a bit, then turned up to see a small security camera. She crept close to the tiny object.

"Hey Hammond! Hammond! You realize you need to have dinosaurs on your dinosaur tour right? Hello? Hellllllo!" Undyne shouted. On the other side of the camera was Hammond, sitting and watching Undyne...he put his hands on his face in frustration and then closed the security camera.

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