Realise (Gokudera Hayato)

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Single since birth. Yeah, that's you. Why? Because you are not interested on anyone in your New school, Namimori-Middle. But believe it or not, you are a popular student, yet you always reject all the guys around you. There is someone who caught your eye atleast; that silver headed, lime green orbs, dynamite master, Tsundere friend of the loser classmate and the baseball idiot classmates of yours, Gokudera Hayato.

You've been thinking, what is with this guy that almost every girl in class likes him?

True, Gokudera is a popular guy, but why? You don't see anything good about him. But little by little, thanks to your 'investigations' you caught yourself falling inlove for him.

In class, your History and Science teacher coincidently had the same style of projects - With partners. And as one of the top students in class, you are then assigned to pair up with Gokudera. "Wha-!?" Gokudera protested, "With.... her???" he pointed at a [h/c] headed girl in class, your teacher just nodded and then smirked, "But.... Sensei, who will help tenth!?" he asked,

"Don't worry, Gokudera-kun." Your Science teacher said, "I'll leave Sawada into the hands of [Other Classmate's Name]." he said, "I'm sure you're okay to pair up with Gokudera-kun, right?" your teacher said, turning to you,

"Uh..." you gulped then sighed, "Yeah.. It's alright." you nodded in agreement. Although, you know to yourself that its not. Your face heated up, you were blushing lightly, you can't help it. Why is it that you're blushing? 'Stop this crap, [Name]. It will soon pass, after a week or two...' You mentally slapped yourself as you agreed Gokudera to be your partner. Being honest to yourself, you didn't know what words came out of your mouth when the teacher talked to you. You could have said no instead of agreeing, you were not in the right state of mind when the teacher talked to you and now you were regretting it. 'I hate myself!' you cursed mentally, then glanced at Gokudera who was frowning and glaring at you. "Jee, what's the problem of this guy?" you mumbled.

By recess, you decided to talk to Gokudera about the project. You've done your planning, you just need to confirm and get his opinion. "Um, G-Gokudera-kun..." you called, stuttering. To be honest with yourself, you're not really used to talking to guys, but when it comes to academic talks you're used to it. But why is it that you're stuttering when you're talking to him?

Gokudera shot a glare at you, "What?" he said,

You sweatdropped, "Ah, eh..."

"Woman, if you really have to tell me something, stop wasting my time," he said, "I have to help the tenth."

"Oh for Vongola's sake, Gokudera-kun." you replied, "he can handle himself without you. Alright, let's settle this quickly." you said, "I'll tell you my ideas in my house."


"Yep, you're coming with me to my house. So we'll be focusing." you said, smirking, "You can't say no. Well, I'll see you later." you left. Deep inside you, you wanted to scream out loud. Why did those words came out of your mouth, like you can't even control them. "Stupid Cupid!" you punched the wall. And smiled lightly, "Good luck falling with a Tsundere, [Name]." you muttered.

On Gokudera's side, he was just shocked hearing those words coming out of your mouth, 'Yep, you're coming with to my house and you can't say no.' He thought back those words. He suddenly blushed in deep shades of red. "Argh, why am I blushing!?" he muttered out loud, with him getting attention from his circle of friends.

"Huh? What's wrong Gokudera-kun?" Tsuna asked,

"Ah! Nothing, tenth." He said, bolting up straight, gaining his confidence back, "Nothing to worry about." he stammered. On second thought, no. He slouched,

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