The maid and the Boss (Xanxus)

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A request from ZuziaStaniszewska here you go. :)


You are a new maid in the Varia Mansion. You have served five of your master's orders all well and good. You were always friendly towards them and they have no complaint with your performances, well except maybe for three; the long haired strategy captain, the picky prince, and the sick old thunder man. Although they keep on complaining about several things, you didn't mind, you just showed your priceless smile on them like a boss. Speaking of boss, there is one master you haven't served. In fact, you have only seen him once, when Squalo hired you and never again. Not because your scared of him, due to the rumors your workmates utter to you. It's because the strategy captain Squalo wanted you be "Safe" as soon as possible. Hm, you wondered why. Anyway, the Boss, Xanxus, didn't look scary to you. But, you were curious why some of your workmates gets beaten up once they get back to the kitchen.

"What just happen?" You asked one of your workmates, who just got back from the boss' room. He was beaten up. He had a bump on his head and cheek, a few scrapes and a blackeye. You grabbed the first aid and try to help him with his injuries. "This was the 45th time that happen in 2 weeks."

He sighed, "That was a rough one. Xanxus-sama sure is picky when it comes to his favourite foods." he said as he snatched the ice bag from you.

"Hm, maybe you just gave the wrong food... again." You said,

"It was the right one. But then when I got there, he changed his mind." He said,

A smirk started to spread along your face as you thought of an idea, "I'll serve him."

"WHAT!?" Your workmates exclaimed, they almost dropped what they are holding. The chef almost threw the steak on the air,

"Oh, Chef watch out with that steak. That's for the prince." You warned, "And yes you guys heard me right, I will serve Xanxus-sama." you smirked.

"No, [Last Name]-chan. It's not safe." one said, "That's why the strategy captain only put you on cleaning duty."

"Meh, who listens to the strategy captain Squalo." you crossed your arms, "I can do whatever I want." You grabbed the broom and the duster, "I will serve him for one day. And if I don't get any scrapes, that means I'm doing my job right." you left.

"This will be the death of [Last Name]-chan." One of your workmates muttered,

"I HEARD THAT!!" You yelled from outside.


The day came when you wanted to serve Xanxus. It was a challenge accepted just by you for a change. The other Varia members were gone for a ceremony to attend to and that leaves Xanxus to stay at the Varia Mansion. "Alright, give me his food and the other food that he wanted." you said, "Just in case he change his mind."

"Are you sure about this, [Last Name]?" Your workmate asked you, handling two set of different dishes; one T-bone steak with mashed potato and a grilled spare ribs.

"Yup." you said, chin up, straight body and with a lot of confidence, "No doubts. No regrets." You said. But you have to admit, you are a little nervous. What if your Boss beats you up like the others? Nah, maybe not.

You hummed at the hallway, pushing a trolley of food for your master, it suddenly crossed your mind, What was his request again? and as you thought of that, you gulped, "Oh no. I am so deadmeat right now!!" you gulped. And suddenly cleared your throat and bolted up right.

Once you've reached the boss' room you knocked, "TRASH, WHAT TOOK IT SO LONG FOR MY SIRLOIN!?!!" He yelled,

"Oh right." you murmured as you searched for the sirloin dish, "Here we are." you grabbed that dish and took a deep breath.

"Xanxus-sama," you said entering the room,

"Trash!!" Xanxus exclaimed and suddenly threw a glass of wine at the door where you are, you dodged it, "What are you doing here? Didn't the shark trash assigned you for cleaning duty only?"

"Whoa, that was quite a hit." you glanced at the broken glass wine on the floor, "I'll clean that up later. Anyway, here's your Sirloin, master." you said, as you strode towards Xanxus. But in this case, he just stared at you. He stared at you deep [e/c] orbs, the strands of your [h/c] hair is so perfect he thought. He suddenly blinked, "I change my mind. I want an egg, now!"

"An egg? What kind of cooking?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sunny side up." he said,

"Okay, master. Coming right up." you cheerfully said as you left the room. He didn't beat you up? You thought. You looked at the trolley; there you found a perfect sunny side up and a broken sunny side up. You grabbed the two of them, "Hm, he didn't mention what type of sunny side up he wanted." you muttered,

You entered the room again, "Here Master. Which sunny side up would you like, the broken sunny side up, the perfect sunny side up or both?"

Xanxus stared at you again, This woman have skills. He thought. He face palmed, "I'm hungry anyway, so I'll have them both." he said. You placed them at the table and prepared his utensils, a new glass wine and his plates.

"There we go, all done. Is there anything you wanted, Xanxus-sama?" you asked.

"Clean up that mess, trash." he said. "That's all."

"Right. I will be doing that right now." you grinned.

As you cleaned the broken glass wine from a while ago, Xanxus was staring at you while he eats. He just can't explain why is he looking at you that way. It was a feeling he never felt before. Once you finished cleaning the mess and you were about to leave the room, "Woman. Stay." Xanxus said.

"Is there anything else you need, Xanxus-sama?"

Xanxus stood up and strode towards you, "I don't want to miss this oppurtunity," he said, "And yes I need something." he said.

"What is it then?" you asked,

Your boss held your hand, so you were facing him, "I want you to play the part of my first love." Xanxus said,

"What-" just before you could even finish your sentence, he suddenly kissed you on the lips. Your eyes widened, you didn't know how to express this kind of situation. He pulled back, "I'm not taking a no as an answer, trash!" he said,

"Do I look like I have any other choice?" you sighed, "I'm just a new maid here, Xanxus-sama... but-"

"And I don't care. I don't care what others think of me, but you caught my heart." Xanxus said, "And this feeling will never change." he said,

You sighed, "Fine. You've got me." you said. Xanxus slightly smiled, he kissed you on your cheek. "I love you, [Name]." he whispered to your ear.

"You know my name?" you teased, "I love you too, Xanxus-sama." you said.

And from that day forward, you always serve Xanxus without letting Squalo know and without getting beaten. But if he does know, yeah, Xanxus will hit him hard for scolding his first love.

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