By Chance (Belphegor)

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Belphegor could still remember the day he first met you, butterflies were sent flying in his stomach, and he was staring blankly at you in the shopping district, "Huh, Senpai?" A green haired guy, with green eyes and frog hoodie said, waving at him, "You okay?" he asked.

"O-Of course I am." the prince blinked, "Let's go." he and his friend started walking, but he can't take his eyes off you. While they were walking, Bel suddenly walked through a pole,

The guy with the frog hoodie chuckled, "Senpai, you're not okay." he said,

"Shut up, Flan. I'm completely fine." the prince said, cold heartedly.

When they've reached their secret base, Bel still can't get you out of his mind, its like you've been stuck in his mind. "What is wrong with me?" he muttered. He thought of you, "That girl..." He pictured you in his mind, your perfect [h/c] locks and your deep [e/c] eyes staring at him that makes him fall for your even more.

"Bel-chan, You're inlove." Lussuria said, "Who's the lucky girl?" he asked,

"Lussuria, I am not." Bel said,

"He's been acting weird at the shopping district," Flan said, "The fallen prince walked through a pole." he snorted,

Lussuria and Flan started teasing Bel, "Alright. I might be inlove with the girl I saw at the shopping district-"

"Then we need to find her." Lussuria declared.

"Bel-senpai is inlove." Flan teased.


One day, there was a new student in class. A blonde guy covering his eyes with a tiara and the guy with green hair and green eyes and a frog hoodie walked in, "Introduce yourselves in class." the teacher said.

"Ushishishi, My name is Bel." he said, and showed a wide grin, "I am a prince."

"I'm Flan." the guy with the frog hood said,

"Oh I thought, you were a princess and he's your frog prince." Someone muttered,

"Snotty little-" Bel said, digging into his pocket but he stopped when he saw you suddenly got up and scold the person who said that the new student is a princess, "Don't be stupid." you said, "Can't you even see with your own two eyes, both of them are wearing a guy's uniform. Sometimes you need to use your common sense. Idiot."

"Both of you go seat next to [Last Name]." The teacher said, "Sorry about the hassle."

"Who is [Last Name]?" Bel asked blankly,

"That would be me." You said, smiling at him.

"That's her!" Bel thought. He stared at you,

"Is there something wrong, Prince Bel?" You asked, Bel shook his head.

The class session was starting, Bel was staring at you the whole time. His heart began to beat so fast, "She really is the one." he thought.

Recess came and you showed Flan and Bel around the campus. It was memorable for Bel, "So you two are best friends? Childhood friends?" you asked,

"Childhood friends, [Last Name]-chan." Flan said. 

"Don't call me by my last name. Call me [Name]." you said,

"[Name]?" Bel asked, "What a perfect name." he murmured.

"Is this something wrong?" You asked Bel,

"Huh? Nothing really, [Name]." He smile sheepishly.

"He's weird for a prince." You teased.


Months later, you started to knew Bel more and more, and you still call him, 'Prince Bel'.

"I think its about time I confess to her." Bel told Flan.

"That's good, senpai," Flan said, "Are you ready though?"


"For her answer." Flan said,

"I'll accept it, no matter what it is." Bel muttered.

Bel has no idea that you also feel a little romantic attraction towards him, you were also planning to confess to him. When you reach school you gazed in his seat, he still wasn't there, Where could he be? you asked yourself. Just then the door swung open, a prince walked in. "Prince Bel!" you exclaimed, you waved and smiled at him.

"[Name]!" he said, walking towards you, he hugged you infront of class.

"Um, Prince Bel," you started,

"Sorry. Ushishishi." He grinned, "I have to tell you something later." he said,

"Really?" you said, "I have to tell something too."

"I'll tell you at dismissal time!" Both of you coincidently said at the same time.

Nothing eventful happen in class. When dismissal came, Bel pulled you out of class, "Come on, [Name] ushishishi." he said, excitedly.

"Wait up, Prince Bel." you said pulling back, "Slow down. Where are we going?" you chuckled.

"Shopping district." Bel glanced at you and pulled you. Bel brought you by the river side under a tree, where he found a good spot to watch the sunset.

"Wow, the sunset sure is pretty." You said,

"This place sure reminded me the first time I met you." Bel started, he sat on the grass, "I did had love at first sight. By that point in time, I knew you were my princess." he said,

"Belphegor..." You whispered, you sat down next to him, you suddenly hugged him, "Is that it?" you asked,

"I love you, my Princess [Name]. From the day I met you." he said,

"I love you too, Prince Bel." you kissed him on his cheek and he blushed. He suddenly reached his head and took off his tiara and placed it onto yours.

"That made you even more perfect. Ushishishi." He said.

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