Last Minute Rain (Yamamoto Takeshi)

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It was dismissal time and Rain drops started to fall from the sky. You gave it a big sighed, "The sky is crying again." You stared at the wet ground and reached a hand in the pouring rain.

"[Name]-Chan!" A familiar voice called, you glanced at the distance where the voice came from, a tall guy with hazel eyes, it was Yamamoto Takeshi, the popular baseball player in class. He was smiling at you, you couldn't resist his smile that make you melt and make your heart pound faster than it was.

Your eyes widened and decided to head home as quickly as you can.But since you forgot your umbrella you have no choice but to run through the rain. "[Name]-chan, wait!" Yamamoto called, but you ignored him. He smirked when you left.

You sniffed and sneezed, "Damn heart!" you muttered, "thanks to you I'm catching-" you sneezed again louder than before, you muttered a curse. You were soaking wet, you crossed your arms to keep yourself 'warm' and continued walking. You sneezed again, suddenly you noticed rain drops stopped from falling. "Eh?"

"You might catch a cold." Yamamoto said, since you were surprised you stepped out of the umbrella.

"Ya-Ya-Yamamoto-kun!?" you exclaimed and suddenly sneezed. Yamamoto chuckled and reached into his pocket, he handed a handkerchief to you. He shielded you with his umbrella. "Thank you, Yamamoto-kun."

"That's alright." he grinned. He walked with you,

"I'm sorry if I ran away a while ago." you said, avoiding his eye contact.

"Hm, why did you ran away?" he asked you,

You paused for a moment, you felt you had a mini heart stroke, "Because... I'm in a rush." you crossed your fingers, "And I have a lot of things to do once I got home."

"Really?" Yamamoto asked, "Then I should come with you. To finish what you are doing quicker."

"No. You don't have to, Yamamoto-kun." you laughed cheekily.

It suddenly rained a lot harder, you and Yamamoto are getting wet under one umbrella, "Let's stop by here first." Yamamoto said, going into a shed.

"Yeesh, the rain sure is pouring hard." you complained,

"I love the rain." Yamamoto grinned, you glared at him.

"How come?"

"Because, this rainy day," he started, "I'm with someone very special to me." he said,

You blushed, you don't know what to say next. Yamamoto leaned closer to you, he held your hand. "Yamamoto-kun..." you muttered,

Yamamoto chuckled, "Takeshi." he said, he turned to face you. He stared at your [e/c] orbs and ruffled the strands of your [h/c] hair.

"What am I to you, Takeshi?" you asked,

"You're more than a friend to me." he said. He leaned closer and kissed your forehead lightly. You turned red as a tomato, which made you stepped away from the shed.

"Takeshi!" You shouted, suddenly the rain stopped. "Huh?" the sun finally showed up.

"The rain stopped." Yamamoto said coming out from the shed, he looked up the blue sky, "It's pretty isn't?" he grinned,

"The blue sky..." You finally smiled and held his hand. "Thanks, Yamamoto Takeshi."

Yamamoto stole a kiss from you as he kissed you on your cheeks. "You're always welcome, [Last Name] [First Name]." he smiled and patted your head.

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