Undying Love - Part 1 (Giotto [Primo] )

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Requested by KylaHayato ;)

Now presenting: Primo :)

I'm not sure what to call him, is it Primo or Giotto?


Eversince he became a mafia boss. He never really had time for you. He became busy and everything in regards of the mafia. He even break his promises, i.e your dates.  And becoming the mafia boss' girlfriend on your side is hard. And when things in your relationship changed, you started to have unexplainable mood swings whenever you hang out with Primo and the group.

"Um, Primo..." Asari Ugetsu started, "Have you talked to her yet?" he asked,

"Not yet, Ugetsu." Primo replied. "I really wanted to talk to her. Maybe in a surpring way."

"Giotto-" you started, as you entered his office. G, Asari Ugetsu and Primo was inside, you didn't even knock.

"Oh, [Last Name], Hi!" Asari Ugetsu greeted,

"Hi, Asari-kun." you said coldly, which is odd.

"Hey, you didn't even knock! and It's Primo, [Last Name]." G reminded, "Give respect to the Vongola boss."

"Whatever!" You groaned, "Primo. There, are you happy now?" you said, saying 'Primo' forcefully.

"[Name], you don't have to this." Primo said, "G, Ugetsu, leave me and [Name] first. We need to talk, privately." G and Asari Ugetsu left. Now it is just you and Primo alone.

"Giotto," you said face palming, "Thank you for sending G and Asari-kun out. I just wanted to talk to you."

"[Name]," he hugged you behind, "What's the matter?" he kissed your cheek.

"Giotto, let me go." You said, half heartedly. Letting go of his arms wrapped around you.

"You had those mood swings again, do you have-"

"NO, Giotto!!" You yelled at him,

"Okay, what is seriously going on?" Primo asked, "You had these massive mood swings again."

You gave Primo a death glare. A glare ten times murderous than Alaude's, "Giotto, this is not a mood swing!" You said, "I'm serious."

Primo tried to hug you but you just kept on ignoring it and avoiding him."[Name], come here!" Primo called,


"Tell me and explain things to me!" he said as he chased you.

"Giotto, we need to calm down first, so stop chasing me!" You yelled again,

Primo paused, he bit his lip stopping his laugh. You sighed, "Giotto," you started, Primo looked into your [e/c] orbs and noticed that you are serious.

"[Name]..." he muttered, "Something is not right. Your eyes is saying it all."

"Giotto..." your eyes brimmed in tears, "You know I loved you for the past 2 years and our relationship was strong, right? No one can break it. But Giotto, for the past days... something is just different, eversince you became a mafia boss."

"[Name], no." Primo pleaded,  "Please don't tell me this is not what I think it is." Primo walked closer to you, "Don't hit me."

"Fine." you muttered, "Just... for the last time." Primo quickly hugged you so tight.

"No! [Name], please!" Primo pleaded.

"I'm sorry Giotto." You said, as you turned to face him. A face unamused drawn in his face, he didn't want to let you go no matter what happen, "Primo, I need space."

"No! This is not happening, right?" Primo asked, holding your hand tightly. It suddenly turned into a hug. "Wake me up in this nightmare, [Name]. I can't take this anymore."

"I just don't want to become a pain for you." you said, "I mean, you becoming as a mafia boss you have a lot of things to do. Im just loosening the weight now."

"But you're never a pain to me or any of us, [Name]." Primo said,

"I know," you said, "But, I'm just... I need space. That's all. But hey, cheer up. We can still be friends. And if its really the two of us in the end, it will sure be, okay Primo?" you smiled sweetly to him and kissed him softly in his cheek. "I wil always love you, Primo. C-Come back, when you're not busy anymore." you said letting go of him.

"[Name]..." Primo muttered as he watch you leave, "I love you too..." he whispered.

As you closed the door behind you, you just bursted crying silently. Tears stream down your face, you never felt this way before. You took a deep breath, did a little glance at Primo's office and left. Primo stared blankly at the door. He was thinking of all the last words you said and these words sinked in his mind. He signed, "What to do without you, [Name]?" he muttered silently. He glanced at his desk and slightly smiled when he saw a photo frame with a picture of the two of you.


Three months later, Primo was still shocked for what happened. He was focused in becoming a mafia boss but later gets distracted when he always remember you. To him, he will not give up on you. On the other hand, you were doing just fine and wanting to move on. You left the Vongola mansion so that you would not see Primo again. But, no matter how hard you try to not think of Primo, he still keeps on coming back to you.

One day, Primo was sitting in his office, finishing some paper work. But becomes distracted when he glanced at the photo frame with a picture of the two of you. He sighed, grabbing the photo frame, "I think I should put you away now..." he muttered, "I'm moving on." he showed a pretty weak smile on his face.

Primo, I thought you said you're never giving up on [Name]. He thought, he sighed and looked up, placing the photo frame back to his desk, I'm not sure. If she still wants me, we'll see. There was pounding at his door, "Hey, Primo." a voice said,

"Yeah?" he replied, clearing his throat, "Come in, G." he said.

G came in, "What brings you here?" Primo asked.

"Nothing." G said, sitting down on a chair next to Primo's desk, "I just felt weird without [Last Name] around, eversince she left three months ago." G said. Primo raised an eyebrow, Is G trying to make me remember [Name] or is he just dead serious? Primo thought. "Anyway, do you know why she left?" G asked curiously.

"Well," Primo started, "To be honest I don't know either." Since G is the only one closest to Primo, you made contact with him through letters and told him about what really happen, he was just pretending he didn't know anything. On the last letter you sent him, you asked G if Primo was doing fine, but G repays you back with this - he is going to bring you and Primo back together again. G knew you were still in to Primo.

"I tried asking her too, but she just wouldn't say it." G said.

"What do you 'tried asking her'?" Primo asked,

"Oh, didn't you receive a letter?" G said, Primo shook his head "That's weird. Normally she never forgets about her boyfriend."

"I need to find her!" Primo stood up,

"If you want to find her, I know where her exact location is." G smirked, digging in his pocket he handed Primo a letter from you. "Thanks, G." Primo said smiling and left.

"Do you want me to come with you?" G asked,

"No, it's alright." Primo yelled. G smiled as he watched Primo left, "There's the answer, [Last Name]."

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