N O T B A C K , B U T . . .

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I've been logging into Wattpad more and more this month, to find that this story has become #1 in the 'Charles' category of Wattpad... 

I'm beyond shocked and thoroughly ecstatic! When I first published this story, I never would've expected for it to receive the recognition it has today! This news fills me with excitement, but that doesn't mean, however, that I'm going to continue with this story.

 Like I said before in one of the chapters I've written, after finishing this story, I fell into a spiral of writer's block and un-motivation. Though that may not seem serious, in reality, it's the worst feeling in the world. I feel like I can't give my readers the content they've (probably) been waiting for. To me, that is awful because it makes me feel worse than I already do. 

I think that, at the time, I wasn't at my best, and I wrote that to confide in someone, something, anything. To address this, I feel much better now, but not 100%. I don't think I ever will feel 100% as my anxiety and insecurities have a tendency to get the better of me. But, I'm semi-ok now!

Thank you to all of those lovelies who reached out to me, too! <3 

I am in the process of making a new story, whether I'll publish it or not is another matter. Like I've said before, I just feel no inspiration for this story. I think it might be abandoned... If anyone wants to carry on this story, reach out to me through private messages and I'll give you my blessing. Obviously don't copy my work word for word, but add your two cents to it and make it your own. So, let me know if you want to give this story life again! <3

Aloha, my lovelies!



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