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Moira, Charles and Jasmine were walking along the path around the mansion. Jasmine was walking behind Charles, pushing his wheelchair and Moira walked along on the other side of Charles. Moira turned to face Charles.

"Do, how many students do you think you'll have here once you get the academy up and running?" she asked.

"As many as I can manage. Possibly more," he replied.

"You know, one day the government is gonna realise how lucky they were to have Professor X on their side," Moira stopped and so did the telepaths. 

"I suppose I am a real professor now, aren't I?" Charles sighed.

"Next thing you know, you'll be going bald, darling," Jasmine laughed and Charles and Moira joined in.

"We're still on the government side, Moira," Charles said "We're still G-men, just without the 'G'."

"No. You're your own team now," Moira stated "It's better."

"We're X-men!" Jasmine shouted triumphantly, raising her fist in the air. 

"Yes, I like the sound of that," Charles chuckled.

"Moira?" Charles continued "For us, anonymity will be the first line of defence."

"I know," Moira bent down to Charles' eye level "They can threaten me all they want, Charles. I'll never tell them where you are. Ever."

"I know you won't," Charles told her "I know."

Charles leaned forward and placed a friendly kiss on Moira's cheek. Without her noticing, Charles brought two fingers to his temple and he erased her memory. He erased the knowledge she had of mutants and the mansion.

She fell limp but Jasmine caught her body, using her telekinesis. Together, the two telepaths walked back to the mansion in silence, Jasmine still carrying Moira's body with her powers.

"Now what, Charles?" Jasmine asked, turning to face him once they were inside.

"Well, we take Moira back to the CIA and leave her there," he said.


There was a moment of silence before Jasmine spoke again.

"What happens now? With Erik gone and all..."

"I really don't know, my love."

Jasmine's eyes widened. He hadn't called her that before. Charles saw her face and blushed slightly.

"Yes, Jasmine, you are my love," he stated, leaning in.

"Oh, Charles," Jasmine said before closing the gap between them. Their lips met and began to instantly move in sync. 

This kiss was more special than the first one they had shared only a few days ago. This kiss was full of passion, want, need. They both craved each other's love. They kept their lips connected, not wanting to break apart in case they were taken from each other. 

The two were interrupted by someone coughing. They parted and looked behind to see Hank standing awkwardly in the middle of the corridor.

"Hank," Charles said, trying to hold back his laughter. Jasmine covered her face because she was blushing like crazy.

"Uh-Charles, I-I came to get M-Moira," Hank told them, gesturing to Moira's floating body.

"Ah, yes," Jasmine managed to say. She brought over Moira's body and Hank carried her to the car, Charles following him with Jasmine. The telepaths watched as Hank got into the car and drove away, heading to the CIA HQ.

"C'mon, my love," Charles turned his wheel chair around whilst looking at Jasmine "Let's go inside. I can hear Sean's thoughts calling for food."

"What shall we have?" She asked in reply "Pasta? Soup? Or chicken pie?"

"CHICKEN PIE, PLEASE!" Sean and Alex shouted from the top of the stairs.

"Alright, fine! But you're helping," Jasmine said whilst laughing.

"Deal!" Sean shouted, pumping his fist in the air.


SHORT CHAPTER, AGAIN! SORRY! OMG, THIS BOOK IS FINISHED! I'm CrYyiNG!! I'm so proud of this book, seeing as it's the first book I've published on Wattpad. 

I don't want this to sound cheesy or anything, but it needs to be said...

Thank you to everyone who's read this book! It really means a lot to me to know that people were actually reading my work. This is the first book of many to come! 

Yes, there will be more books! Whilst writing this one, I've also been writing the second book. That's why I took long breaks :P I hope you check out the next one!! 

As always... Aloha, my lovely readers <3


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