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"C'mon, c'mon," Erik impatiently muttered to himself. It was obvious that he wanted to capture Shaw - or Schmidt as Erik called him. Jasmine could hear him because she was lying on her belly next to him. 

"We'll get him, don't worry," Jasmine tried to sound reassuring to calm Erik down from his tense state. He looked at her and nodded slightly before turning back to face the building. The group spotted an incoming helicopter and assumed Shaw was inside. They were all surprised to see that only his associate - Emma Frost - had stepped out. The helicopter flew off and Emma walked up to an old man, who was by the gates.

"Where's Shaw?" Erik asked, slightly disappointed.

"I don't know," Charles unsurely replied.

"She's a telepath Charles," Jasmine spoke up "If either of us reads her mind, she'll know we're here."

"Exactly," he said, raising his two fingers to his temple "Let me try something else. Jasmine, you know what to do." With that, Jasmine nodded as Charles telepathically told her his plan. She then closed her eyes and concentrated, attempting to get control of one of the guards by the gate. Charles did the same with the other guard. 

Both telepaths could now see what was happening from the eyes of the guards. They saw Emma kiss the old man's cheek. 

"Shaw sends his apologies but he's indisposed," she said to him "He asked me to come in his place. And between you and I, honey, I'm a lot better company." This made Jasmine feel uncomfortable. She knew exactly what Emma meant by this.

"Please, come in," the man told Emma before leading her inside the large building.

"He's not coming," Jasmine and Charles both told the rest of the group at the same time.

"So, what now, boss?" Charles asked Moira. 

"Now, nothing. We're here for Shaw. Mission aborted."

"The hell it is," Erik piped up, getting ready to stand.

"Erik," Jasmine stopped him.

"She's his right-hand woman. That's good enough for me."

"The CIA invading the home of a senior Soviet Official. Are you crazy?" Moira asked him, sternly. 

"Clearly," Jasmine muttered, earning a glare from Erik and a look of amusement from Charles.

"I'm not CIA," Erik stood up and started running towards the house.

"Erik!" Charles stuck his hand out in an attempt to stop Erik but it was no use. 

A few minutes later, shouting could be heard from the guards. The others turned to look and saw barbed wire wrapping around some of the troops. Erik. 

"He's gonna start WW3 single-handed," Moira's co-worker said after looking through his binoculars. 

"We have to do something," Moira whispered. 

"Like what?" he replied "We're moving out!"

"No," Jasmine shouted.

"You can't," Charles agreeing with her. They then watched as more troops were entangled in barbed wire and dragged out of the way, by Erik.

"I'm sorry. I can't leave him," Charles told Moira before getting up and running to Erik.

"Neither can I," Jasmine then ran to catch up with Erik. She reached him and together they sprinted to the house which Erik had entered. On the way, the spotted several troops groaning in pain from the barbed wire that trapped them. 

"For God's sake, Erik," Charles muttered before heading over to them, Jasmine close behind.

"Be calm," Jasmine said to them as she knelt down beside one of them. She sent one of them to sleep and went to Charles.

"Be calm," he said in Russian to the troops  below him (A/N: Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think 'успокойся' means be calm in Russian, or calm down) "Forget our faces."

The troops were then knocked out and the pair continued running until they reached the house. They both frantically searched for Erik. He then appeared out of nowhere.

"Erik, there you are," Jasmine sighed in relief. 

"We need to find Emma," He said in response before leading the pair through the house. All three of them came to a door. They burst through it once they heard voices coming from inside. Once they were inside, they saw the Soviet Official sitting up on the bed, waving his hands up and down and kissing the air. Emma sat on the sofa next to the bed, eating a cracker. She looked up at the three in shock. 

"Nice trick," Jasmine said to Emma, who nodded a little. The old man heard this and stopped what he was doing to take a better look at the intruders.

"Who are you?" he said in Russian. He pulled out his gun from his back pocket, ready to shoot. Jasmine raised her hand and sent him into a deep sleep. Charles had the same idea but stopped when the man fell backwards, snoring. He glanced at Jasmine and smiled. 

'You have to be quicker than that,' she said telepathically, making him giggle quietly. Emma stood up, turning into her diamond form, and came forwards. Charles attempted to read her mind but failed.

"You can stop trying to read my mind, sugar," she said "You're never going to get anything from me while I'm like this." She then lunged froward, trying to make her escape through the door, only to be stopped mid-air. Jasmine had frozen her, enabling Emma from moving. Jasmine then slowly put Emma on the ground, against the bed. 

Erik used the metal from the bed frame to act as restraints, tying Emma to the foot of the bed.

"So, then you can just tell us," he told her as he tightened the metal "Where's Shaw?" Emma struggled but didn't respond. Erik then wrapped metal around her neck.

"Erik," Charles whispered. Erik, not listening, added more metal, tightening it around her body. She gasped for air and squirmed, trying to break free.

"Erik, that's enough," Jasmine's voice became stern. As much as she hated Shaw and his team, she knew that killing Emma wouldn't be the right thing to do. The metal still carried on tightening.

"Erik, enough," Charles raised his voice. Emma's form began to crack from the pressure. Erik let go and sure enough, Emma exited her diamond form, gasping for air. 

"All yours," Erik motioned to her "She won't be shifting into diamond. And if she does, just give her a gentle tap."

Jasmine walked towards the old man on the bed, who was still knocked out. She glared at him whilst Charles read Emma's mind. 

"Beautiful, isn't it." Emma said, making Jasmine turn around.

"This is worse than we previously imagined," Charles told Erik and Jasmine before turning back to Emma "We're taking you with us. CIA will want to question you themselves."

"Oh, I doubt it," she scoffed "They have bigger things to worry about right now."

The three others shared a confused look before heading back the Moira. They set off for the airport, heading back home. Little did they know, there would be something waiting for them when they headed back to CIA HQ.

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