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Jasmine had just arrived at the pub after hearing a thesis on genetic mutations. She found it absolutely wonderful. The man talking was very confident and passionate about what he was saying. Upon hearing his thesis, she felt rather good about herself; having a mutation herself. 

No one knew about Jasmine's special 'abilities', if you could call them that. She was telepathic, telekinetic and was able to become invisible, although she couldn't control the last one. She often turned invisible when she was hurt or scared because it was her mind's way of protecting her from any harm. She didn't use her abilities, it was only on rare occasions that she did. 

Jasmine felt like having a drink to 'celebrate' - even though there was nothing to celebrate - hence why she was at the local pub. She sat down at the bar and ordered a drink. Jasmine hadn't noticed what was going on around her when she had walked in so she was completely oblivious to the drinking game going on in the corner. To her, everything was completely quiet.

 It wasn't until then that she took notice of the goings on. Jasmine had heard people cheering so she decided to see what was happening. With one glance over to corner of the pub, she saw a crowd of people surrounding someone. People started to move out of her view and then she saw that they had been cheering for a man. Jasmine recognised the man as being the one who had presented his thesis earlier today. 

She didn't realise that she was staring at him until the man finally met her gaze. Jasmine felt quite warm inside when his piercing blue eyes noticed her. The next thing came a quite a shock to Jasmine. The man started to make his way over to where she was sitting. He then sat down in the bar stool next to her. It was silent but then the man spoke up.

"MCR1," he said. This caused Jasmine to look up at him. He really is handsome up close she thought.

"I'm sorry?" 

"The MCR1 gene, you have it," he replied with a slight smirk.

"And what exactly is the 'MCR1 gene' ?" Jasmine asked him, she was genuinely curious.  

"I say 'MCR1', you would say 'auburn hair' ," the man explained.

Jasmine could sense something strange about him - in a good way. There seemed to be a certain thing that made him intriguing but Jasmine didn't quite know what it was.

"It's a mutation. Its a very groovy mutation," he said. Groovy? What on Earth does he mean by that? she thought.

Jasmine then replied with a simple "Oh," and a nod of her head.

"Mutation, right, took us from single-celled organisms to the dominant form of reproductive live on this planet," the man continued "Infinite forms of variation with each generation, all through mutation."

 Jasmine just stared at him but soon realised what he was doing. 

"I bet you're very dominant" Jasmine said with a smirk, carrying on the 'flirting game'.

"I'll let you find that one out for yourself, pretty one," the man said, which made us both chuckle. The two stared into each other's eyes but quickly stopped.

"I didn't catch your name," 

"Charles, Charles Xavier," the man winked "and what might you be called?"

But before Jasmine could tell him her name, he answered for her.

"Jasmine-Mae Carter? What a lovely name," Charles said. How could he possibly know that? Jasmine asked herself. 

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