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A/N: A new chapter... finally...

Jasmine woke up when she felt the sun seeping through the curtains. She felt content as she remembered the events of the previous night. A series of loud knocks at her door brought her back to reality. Rubbing her eyes, she got up and opened the door. 

"Jas, you need to see this," Charles said in a serious tone. He was still wearing his pyjamas - a loose shirt and jogging bottoms/sweatpants. Jasmine nodded and followed him downstairs to the living room. Everyone was there (still in their pyjamas) sitting watching a news report. It looked like it was ... Cuba? 


"That's where we're gonna find Shaw," Erik said after turning the T.V. off.

"How do you know?" Asked Alex.

"Two superpowers facing off and he wants to start World War III," Charles replied before Erik could "He won't leave anything to chance."

"So much for diplomacy," Erik said before turning around to face the others "I suggest you all get a good night's sleep."


Charles, Erik and Jasmine had gone to the lounge area later that day. Charles and Erik were playing chess whist Jasmine sat by Charles, watching their game. 

"Cuba," Charles broke the silence "Russia, America. It makes no difference. Shaw's declared war on mankind, on all of us. He has to be stopped."

"I'm not gonna stop Shaw, I'm gonna kill him," Erik said, setting his glass down on the table "Do you have it in you to allow that?"

Charles stayed silent but sat forward on his chair. Jasmine had been listening but chose to look up at Erik now, still staying silent. Erik continued.

"You've known all along why I was here, Charles, Jasmine," He said, looking between the pair "But things have changed. What started as a covert mission, tomorrow mankind will know mutants exist. Shaw, us - they won't differentiate. They'll fear us, and that fear will turn to hatred."

"Not if we stop a war," Jasmine piped in, wanting her opinion to be heard "Not if we can prevent Shaw. Not if we risk our lives doing so."

"Would they do the same for us, Jasmine?" Erik asked her. She thought for a moment but said nothing. Charles spoke up.

"We have it in us to be the better men," He said.

"We already are," Erik countered "We're the next stage of human evolution, and you said it yourself-"


"Are you really so naive as to think that they won't battle their own extinction?" Erik asked, keeping his eyes locked on Charles "Or is it arrogance?"

"I'm sorry?"

"After tomorrow, they're gonna turn on us. But you're blinded, because you believe they're all like Moira." 

"And you believe they're all like Shaw," Charles lowered his voice "Listen carefully, my friend. Killing Shaw will not bring you peace."

"Peace was never an option."

After that 'conversation', Erik left the two telepaths. After packing away the chess board, Charles took Jasmine to the kitchen where he poured her a drink. Charles was in the middle of hunting for alcohol whilst Jasmine sat at the table practicing turning invisible

"You know, sometimes I wonder what my life would've been like if you hadn't found me here that night."

Charles and Jasmine looked up, slightly startled by the new voice, and saw Raven standing in the doorway. She was in her natural blue form. Jasmine found her utterly beautiful but Charles didn't take the new look too well.

"Sorry, what?- Gah," Charles looked away, Jasmine shot a disapproving look at him "God's sake, Raven. Where are your clothes? P-Put some clothes on. 

"That's not what you said when you first saw me," Raven sat down, across from Jasmine "But, I guess pets are always cuter when they're little, right?"

"Raven, I don't know what's gotten into you lately-"

"Charles," Jasmine warned him, her voice stern."

"-I thought you'd be in a good mood. Hank, he tells me he's found the answer to your cosmetic problem," Charles continued "Are you gonna tell me what's wrong, or am I going to have to read your mind?"

"You promised me you would never do that."

"Until recently, I never had to use my power to know what you were thinking, Raven."

"You know, Charles, I thought it was gonna be me and you against the world," Raven leaned forward "But no matter how bad the world gets, you don't wanna be against it, do you? You wanna be apart of it."

"Raven. wait!" Jasmine tried calling, but failed, before turning to Charles "Why can't you just accept her?"

"I do accept her. She's my sister."

"Oh, really? Because it doesn't seem like you do. She's a teenager, Charles, and she's insecure. She's had to hide herself from the world. But the one chance she has to be herself, you reject her?"

"It's just... It's not like that, Jas. Calm down, please," Charles pleaded. He hated this; angry Jasmine wasn't particularly nice.

"Charles, I'm disappointed, to be honest. She needs support, she needs your support," Jasmine said "And you said Hank's found a cure to her 'problem'?"

"He's made a serum to control mutations. It was what Raven wanted."

"She didn't want it, or need it. She felt pressured and wanted to fit in. All she needed was someone to encourage her natural form, Charles, but you didn't do that."

Charles stayed silent, he was feeling guilty. Jasmine packed away her art supplies and got up from her seat.

"I'm going to bed."

"Wait. You haven't finished your drink," Charles gestured to her half full cup on the table.

"There," Jasmine said after chugging her drink "Now I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

She placed a quick kiss on his cheek before exiting the kitchen, leaving him alone. Not long after, Charles turned off the light and walked back to his room, readying for bed. He turned off his bedside lamp and closed his eyes. The alcohol had made him drowsy and so he fell asleep second after his head hit the pillow. 

Tomorrow, the team would be preparing to head into battle. 

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