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Aloha, my lovely readers! I know I haven't updated this story in a while and I know I said I'd update soon, but I lied. Sorry. 

This might be a common problem for most writers, but I WAS busy. There IS a lot going on in my life. I'm only human so I can't juggle too much at once. There's school work I have to finish, I was fasting, my friends are fighting, etc,(The list goes on...).

Also, I've been having trouble finding the movie. I watch the movie online and write at the same time. The website I've been watching it on stopped working, I don't know why. If anyone can suggest something, I'll try and test it out so I can continue writing this story.

Even if the websites don't work, I can always find an online script for the movie, but I'd prefer to watch the movie so I can see the characters emotions and see what's actually happening. I could make it up as well, but I want to stick to the script/original lines from the movie.


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