Chapter - 6

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"Definitely sir." She bowed with what I noticed as a slight smile and was about to leave when I called her back. I wasn't done. I had other plans for my feisty mate.

"You can take the rest of the day off. All the others as well." I could see she was trying to hide her surprise as the other woman was standing shocked.

"Sure, sir." she said and left the room, leaving one last customary glance at Juliette.  As Anna left, I closed the door and locked it. I couldn't risk Juliette running away through whatever space she found. Though I enjoyed a good chase, I was not in the mood for it at the moment. I turn around to see her pressed to a corner and looking all around the room. I knew she was thinking of an escape plan. Not going to happen.

My body burned with the need to possess her. The same need which had been torturing me from yesterday in the office. If the distance between us was a living being, I'd rip it apart in a heartbeat. Unable to wait anymore, I strided forward which seemed to alarm her. She looked around frantically for something and found a vase on the bedside table. She took it and held it as a weapon of defense.

"Don't come near me. Stay away or I swear I'll.."

"You'll what?" I asked as I moved closer.

Looking at me, she moved away from me following the wall she was leaning on. 

"You and I both know you can't stop me, my little Luna."

I held her arm and pulled her closer to me. She started struggling and swung the vase at me. I wondered if she really believed I was who I was. It is public knowledge that no human or werewolf is a match for royalty. And I'm the king, and here she is swinging the vase at me as if it was a sword. I caught the vase at the right time and seized her.

"Let me go!! Now!!"

 I brought her hands down, her struggle no match for my hold. Looking into her eyes, I held her tighter to calm her down. She froze and gave up struggling as that was only getting her her body close to mine. Her attempt to keep our bodies as distant as possible was futile.

 "Shhhh....stop it. You don't want to make me angry do you?" I asked.

"I want to go home.  My family is waiting for me. Please..... Let me go," she said with tears threatening to leave her eyes. She was trying her best to hide her fear. I sighed slowly as I caressed her cheek with my free hand.

I looked straight into her green eyes and spoke the truth. "I'm your family now. I'm your mate and you are mine. As an Alpha's mate, you will be living with me. Do you understand?" I spoke softly though every time she spoke about leaving, my blood boiled.

 She nodded her disagreement and her control flipped. The tears escaped her eyes and travelled through her cheek. I wiped them away and my eyes settled on her  shivering lips. I was a straight up Asshole. But I never pretended to be something else. I didn't want to, especially not with her. Those pink, delicate, soft lips. They belong to me. Every kiss from those lips is mine. She may not agree but every inch of her body is mine. It's time she knew that. It's time to mark her; to make her mine for the rest of eternity.

I couldn't maintain the facade of control anymore. I had to take what's rightfully mine. My hand travelled from her cheeks to the back of her head where I grasped a handful of her silky hair. I pulled her head back to angle her face to mine and went forward to reach her lips. I could tell she was horrified. But I didn't let that stop me. Again. I'm an Asshole. I'm not letting her move away from me.

As I came toward her, the poisonously addictive scent of her breath greeted me. The moment our lips touched was the end of the world. Powerful jolts of energy flowed between us and I wanted more of it. Her lips were tightly closed denying me any entrance and my madness took over. I yanked on her hair and nibbled on her bottom lip, demanding her submission. My hands travelled over her stiff body, from her bottom to her breasts. 

The first time I saw her, after coming out of the spell of her eyes and the juicy plump lips, it was her breasts which caught my attention. Generous, ripe and made for my pleasure.  Over the fabric, I reached the mounds and squeezed them longingly. I wanted to taste that soft flesh but I'm not done with her heavenly lips yet. As I squeezed her breast, she gasped in shock, an opportunity which I immediately took to drive my tongue inside her mouth just like the way I'll drive inside her later. This was by far the best intrusion I've ever had, sex included, but the ultimate one was yet to happen. My tongue played with hers and my hands with her breasts.  

My cock grew rock hard and begged for the enclosure of my mate. Juliette caught me off guard and pushed me away. My frustrated growls echoed the room. It was a sin to deny someone from a moment so intense and Juliette will be penalised for it the way she deserves. I jerked back and stared at her like a hungry predator ready for the kill. She was beyond sexy, with her eyes wide in shock, her swollen lips agape glistening with my kiss. We both struggled for our breath when she reached for the vase which was somehow on the floor now. I didn't know when she lost hold of it. Didn't even recognize the sound of it falling to the floor.She pointed it at me more determined this time. The fear almost gone.

"Don't come near me!" As I looked closely, I saw that the vase is broken with really sharp edges. Probably it broke from the fall. But I didn't give a shit and was more worried about her stepping on to the pieces of glass scattered near her. I stepped forward when she spoke gravely this time, intent on making me listen.

"I'm serious. Either of us will die. I'll kill you..." I ignored her words until the next words came out. "...or myself." I didn't want to call her bluff because she sounded serious.

"Put that down. Are you really going to kill yourself because you don't want to be with me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

She shouted out with trembling voice. "I don't want to be your mate. I don't even want to be near you. You are a monster! You brought me here against my will. Don't forget that. I will never be your mate!"

For reasons unknown, as if an invisible fist squeezed it hard, for a while, the thing between my lungs struggled for survival. As if set on fire, my blood boiled and all reason eluded me. I reached her in the fraction of a second and threw the vase away taking her by surprise. I threw her over the bed and climbed on top of her, pinning her to the bed under me. How dare she reject me! How dare she speak such words to her King! I should have her executed for her show of such defiance. But as furious as I was, I couldn't do it.

With all the coldness my tone could carry, I spoke. "Listen to me very carefully. NEVER utter those words again. Do you understand me? There is no such foolishness as making your King mad."

I didn't hear anything except her cry. I grabbed her waist and pulled her body towards me. I couldn't bear the thought of her hating me so much. All my anger turned into sadness. With a deep sigh, I buried my face into her neck.

I could feel her body tremble as she was sobbing. I killed more people than I can remember. But never did I feel this unease and misery while hurting someone. I gently kissed her cheek and looked into her eyes which were now looking at me with amusement which dominated pain and fear. I never looked away from her eyes. 

I didn't know when her tears stopped. She was just looking at me like that. I kept staring into her eyes for I don't know how long. Both of us were calm for I don't know how long. I slowly got up from the bed and walked away. 

She was supposed to be feeling what I was feeling. She was supposed to filled with elation on finding her mate. Why was it not the case? I stopped near the door and spoke.

 " I'm not going to give up. I will make you go crazy for me. No matter how long it takes. Even if it means I have to keep you here forever against your will. I will wait till you say you're mine."

"What if I don't?" she asked, staring at the ceiling.

"Then I'll have to make you mine against your will. At the end of the day, WE BELONG TOGETHER."

Saying that I left the room and locked the door.

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