Seeing her disappointment, Abhi takes out his mobile and shows her a photo.

"Oh this is so beautiful." Radha says beaming looking at the ruby and diamond, platinum ring.

"No... no... it is going to be sapphire instead of ruby. And you see here, it is going to be protruding here..." Abhi starts explaining to her.

"Looks like you had been researching on this for a while." Radha says impressed.

"Two months."

"And you never even got me a gold coin." Radha teases him.

Abhi slightly blushes.

"Where are you going early in the morning?" Radha asks him curiously.

"Finish some work in office, then I have to go to the jeweler, collect her birthday gifts..."

"Gifts?" Radha asks curiously.

"22 gifts."

"Oh." Radha says then stops frowning, "but it is her 24th birthday, right?"

"Yes." Abhi says slightly turning pink. "23rd is the ring."

"Oh. What about the 24th gift then?"

Abhi starts blushing even more unable to answer her.

"Oh oh oh..." Radha says grinning ear to ear. "Didn't know my son was so romantic."

"let me eat, you go sleep." Abhi tells her as he looked down to eat.

"Then... tell me what else?"

"I have to go to the hotel to see the arrangement, caterer, check out the cake."

"Hmmm... busy day. Okay... I am going to sleep then." Radha says and walks off.

"Do you have any fruits?"

"In the fridge."

After putting the bowl in the sink, he opens the fridge and grabs two plums and leaves quickly.

Till 11, Abhi worked in his office, taking care of urgent works. At 11 sharp, he left the office to take care of everything.

"No... No... I want light purple and white roses. If I wanted Orchid, I would have told you that. Pragya likes rose... so I want ROSE!" Abhi says furiously as he hung up the phone. Just as he cut the call, his phone starts to ring.

"PICK UP PICK UP PICK UP" Pragya's voice started shouting at him.

Every time he hears that ringtone, he couldn't help chuckle. Once when they had gone for coffee, he had left his mobile on the table while he had gone to pay the bill and after that whenever she had called that was her ringtone.

"Hello." Abhi answers smiling.

"GOOD MORNING!" Pragya wishes him excitedly.


"Are you in your office?"

"Just stepped out."

"Where are you going?"

"To a meeting." Abhi says truthfully.

"What meeting?"


"Uff! Can you explain? Why do you always answer just to the point? Do you want me to be a questionnaire asking you question by question? Oh God! That is a very difficult activity. Can't you answer like I do? Hello Pragya... are you in your office? No, Abhi... I was in my office, then I stepped out as I have a meeting with my Regional Manager regarding our marketing budget as we are going to be launching a new product by the end of this month. By the way, we are launching a new range of lamp shades. It is a beautiful crystal piece with..."

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