Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

"Do you know the answer, Miss. Higgins?" Mr. Harris asked, his eyes narrowing on mine.  Like usual, I suppose.  He was always pointing me out, as if to see if I was paying attention.  Of course, the real reason was because he just didn't like me.  That's fine.  I hate his ass too. 

His dull eyes rested on mine.  After his question, there were a couple more sets of eyes that headed my way and I could only sigh.  Christ... school just fucking sucks.  At least I was safe I suppose.  I had not only Ramper sitting beside me.  But I had several officers in the back of the room and around the school.  It was the talk of the school and obvious rumors since nobody specifically knew why I had all these cops following me around.  Unfortunately, Luke wasn't one of the cops with me this particular day.  He followed me around the first two days with Ramper, incredibly paranoid.  But now, he realized that if there was any threat, it would come from the front doors or outside.  It made him reluctant and nervous, yes, but he felt safer knowing I had all these other officers around me for protection.  

However, they couldn't protect me from all the teasing and all the attention.  Couldn't protect me from teachers like this one always calling me out.  The nice thing was... many of the police didn't look amused by it, at least.  I figured most would applaud the harassment since I knew I wasn't liked among the officers.  I was insane first of all.  Plus I was causing a lot of issues for how much trouble has been following me.  So it was a little weird to see them appear sympathetic towards me. 

Of course, a part of it could be because some of them knew of what Luke and I were planning to do.  Well... they knew that they needed to watch the house as we started digging.  Luke was very careful in sharing details with them.  He actually ended up confiding in only two officers that he was rather close to and knew he could trust (and no, one was not Ramper; he would somehow blow the job or blab about it).  So things were overall looking good.  We had two officers willing to guard the perimeter when we dig her up.  Of course, Luke was still vague with them.  All they knew was that it was because he had reason to believe there was a body in the yard and that Clare might have done it.  Most officers would instantly take care of it a different way if Luke told them his story.  But these two officers understood our position and were willing to help, even if they didn't know the detail about me being actually sane. 

It all seemed safe to me, which was good.  If Clare shows up, they will grab her and we keep digging.  Simple.  Of course, all that had to start with something very simple: and that's getting out of school.  Tomorrow morning, I was to come to school like usual with all my pimps following me around (officers).  But then, because I can't miss any days, Luke would then excuse me.  It would work if I at least showed up.  We couldn't do it by me just not showing up.  I needed be here for at least a while for it to count that I was in school, even if pulled.  Then after, we needed to rush to the house and dig her up.  It would take all day and night.  Luckily, I had a way to make the time better.  Especially if I don't even need to go to school that day, tomorrow.

Just as the idea started to form in my head, Harris snapped me out of it to answer his question.  For once, I actually wasn't paying attention.  "Um... I think the answer is obviously...."  What were we learning about?  The French Revolution?  "The Roman empire," I belted out the first thing I could think of.  What a bullshit answer I made sound confident.  Stupid me... that had nothing to do with it.

I heard people start to laugh, as was expected.  That's fine.  I knew I was wrong.  I just needed to look as if I was paying attention.  Harris looked disgusted.  "Last I checked, Italy is not France.  You're off by hundreds of years, cupcake.  Pay attention," he said in a voice that made me want to kick him.  When he repeated the question to the class for someone else to answer, I blocked him out on purpose this time.  I purposefully didn't want to know now, thanks to that prick.  For my own well being, the answer was the Romans and that's that.

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