Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Just because things went back to being awkward between Luke and I, that didn't slow us down with trying to track down evidence.

I crept out of my room in the darkness of the house, the only thing lighting my pathway was the memory  of where everything was and the help of the little hallway night light.  Of course, it only took a few feet though.  After all, their bedroom was directly on the other side of my wall. 

Quietly, I pushed their bedroom door open and peered inside.  The dim light from the hall spread through their room when I opened the door and landed on their bed.  Clare was on the farthest side, sleeping with her head turned away from me and towards the window.  Luke was sleeping on the side closest to where I was standing in their doorway.  Sleeping on his stomach, his head was buried in his pillow.  He looked tired enough.  Well, too bad for poor little Lucas. 

Knowing how quiet I needed to be, I moved towards their bed, testing my feet with every step, hoping the floor doesn't creek.  By the time I got to the bed, I was gazing down at Luke sleeping under the covers.  His cheek pressed into the side of his pillow, I could see his closed eyes.  No lines of worry, no stress, his even breathing... it was nice, seeing him look so at peace.  I had to disturb that though.  It's not like I could wait until morning where I wouldn't get a chance to talk to him (it was the first day back to school tomorrow morning and with Clare still home in the morning too, we wouldn't be able to talk freely).

That means it was important I talk to him now; it was that important in my mind.  But that would mean not waking up Clare and with what happened next, I didn't think I'd be able to avoid that.

"Jack," I hissed upon seeing him push open their door even more and walk in.  It was my own fault, really.  I was suppose to put him in his cage for when we go to sleep.  Considering it was one in the morning on a school night, I should be in bed and he in his cage next to my bed.  However, since I was up this whole time looking through the file, and since Jack wouldn't stop whining to get out, I let him out.  He would just sit on my bed and watch me read through it all.  But, I left the room to go wake Luke.  Of course Jack would follow me.

Looking up at me when he stopped next to me, it was only for a second.  In the next, he got a running start and before I could stop him, Jack jumped up on their bed.  I tried to grab him and get him off but it was too late.  He climbed up towards the head of the bed and when his cute little face was in front of Luke's he began licking his chin and cheek. 

"What the..." I heard Luke mutter in his sleep.  Which was no longer sleep.

By the time I picked him up and set him back on the ground, Luke was up thanks to Jack.  Looking at his expression, his eyebrows were dipped and eyes delayed from opening.  But when they did, he sat up in bed and found me standing right before him.

"Albany?" he whispered, blinking the sleep out of his eyes as he took me in in the darkness.  His eyes looking over me quickly, his eyes found mine again before looking to Jack. "What's going on?"

"I need to show you something," I whispered and before I knew it, Jack jumped up on the bed again and started to make his way towards Clare like he had all the right in the world.  Luke grabbed him though and pulled the little guy in his lap, rubbing his head and Jack quickly gave in to his mastering touch. 

Standing up with Jack in his arms, I saw Luke was supporting a long tee-shirt like usual and shorts even though it was winter.  I was the same way.  As long as the covers kept me warm, I was good.  Looking up into his eyes, from what I could see of them, I saw the quickest hint of sadness and I wasn't sure why.  Before I could uncover anything else from his eyes or expression, he walked with Jack quietly out of the room and into the hall, me following behind.

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