So when our faculty held an annual scientific contest, i just casually asked them to asked Phun's Pa to be one of the sponsors.

Before the sponsor's meeting, i asked Pa to meet me at the garden because i wanted to introduce him to someone. (my relationship with Phun's Pa is excellent anyway, he even trust me with some of his work in place of Phun)

When he arrive in the garden, the sun was shady and the flowers bloomed like they were blooming in the dream. Pa stood there, unmoving, inhaling the scent of various flowers growing on all over the place.

Suddenly a trembling, cold hand touching my shoulder and all my hair was standing up.

"P-p-phan? Did you manage to get him here?" George look paler than the ghost it self. I grinned at him.

"You should thank me. Go there before he dissapear. Go!" I shush him to go.

I watch, from the distance, how Phun's Pa startled when he sees the ghost of his lover.
"George!" He said


Nothing happened for a second, they were just staring at each other.

"I was waiting for you..where have you been?" George look at him, his eyes was so honest. It speaks of loneliness and grief.

Phun's Pa's eyes are filled with tears. "They never send my letters to you..i was angry because you never reply my letters, and i finally gave up after two years writing. There were tons of them, George...and they never sent it. They didn't tell me that you were sick, they never told me how you died...I..i came to your grave every day for a year, i always come in your birthday and your memorial day, i never thought that you'll still be here, waiting for me...if i had known.." The dam has broken, that tears flows like a flood and Pa's shirt was wet from the tears.

George touch Pa's cheek, gently, then cup Pa's face in his hands. "You grow more handsome Phan. Yes, i'm waiting for you here, forever, like the way you want me to. I'm lucky to meet your son in law, he's a very nice person. I miss you, Phan. Everyday. Even when my time has stop, but my heart never waver loving you.." He close their distance, then landed a very sweet and loving kiss.

Phun's Pa holds him tight, and they kiss amongst the blossoming flower. I left them to their business, and walk away with a smile on my face.
That afternoon, after class, Pa surprised me with his appearance infront of my class, almost giving me a heart attack. He was accompanied by the dean (which was his colleagues) and waited patiently until my class was over. Brown was startled when he sees Pa, and cancelled his intention to meet me (i can't be more grateful).

Pa gave me a ride to my apartment, but stop by a nice place to eat.

"Thank you, Noh." His voice was ragged.

"It's ok Pa. I wanted to help."

He sobbed and sobbed, for a long time, until his eyes were puffy from the tears.

"You don't know how much i miss him..and now he had left me forever."

I sighed. It was inevitable. They said ghosts would leave the realm of the living once they fulfil their unfinished business.

"He will always be in your heart, Pa. Whatever happened was meant to happened and we can't change that. He always love you Pa."

"I was helpless Noh. I wasn't as strong as Phun in term of our beloved. I couldn't stand for him as he stand for you."

I was started to think, what will happened if it was me. I could be George and Phun could be Phan, and the story could reversed. But i shake that thought off, i have the twins now, we are happy. Whatever our end is, we will be happy. Because in our heart, we have each other.
Although i'm sad that i could never see him again, i'm happy for George Jirakit. He has found his lost love, what could be happier than that?

When i came home that night, a mixed of emotion overflows me. Kyrin, who is now seven months old, sit next to his sleeping brother, teasing him endlessly. They're both very playful and very, very adorable like their dad. But Kyrin, especially looks exactly like their dad, while Kiryu is a type of cool down and easy going like me.

Suddenly Kyrin looks at me and waving his hands at some random point, scaring the hell out of me. And what i saw when i turn around makes me jumped from my seat.

It's George!! What the fuck!!

"Hi you miss me?"

"P'! What are you doing here? aren't you supposed to be in heaven?"

"Yes i was Noh, but then they sent me back."

George, dressed in whites now, looking more dazzling than ever. His smile lightened up the room, making Kyrin laugh gingerly. But the most shocking thing is...he's spreading white wings! Is he an angel now?

"I'm an angel for your two sons, Noh. No one else's will see me. And i'm here to say good bye to you, because you're not suppose to see me too. But rest assured, your sons will have a bright future and a long and healthy life."

"What about me, P'? Why is it i always get the worst of fate?"

He smiled, and casually wrap his arms around my shoulder. "Noh, sometimes the best in store wrapped in the worst package. Just look around, you will find the meaning behind everything."

"I don't think so, P'. I'm sinned, i'm tainted, i'm..i'm.." George shush me using his finger.

"You did what you had to do, Noh. Do you know how beautiful your soul is? I didn't know it before, but now i do. You have a very beautiful soul, Noh. So please bear with your life a little longer."

I can't hold back my tears. Does that mean i have no way out? My body's trembling and i fell to the floor.

"Is it not enough P'? I get to experience something worse than this? Am i just a low prostitute in your eyes?" I cried and cried like tomorrow's the end of the world, and it is for me.

"Noh, i can't help you with anything, but i can help you with matter what they do to you, Phun's eyes and heart will be covered so he wouldn't know how much you had to suffer. He wouldn't know about any of your affairs, since you never wanted it in the first place. And no matter what they do to you, you'll stay pure and stay the same, like you were never did that before. That is my gift for you, so you can bear your fate. Remember that you can always find light after the night."

And he dissappear from my eyes, just like a dream. Just like that, and i'm still crying over him. Please P', take me with you..take me with you because i can't take it no more...

A (more) Chaotic Life of an ex Blue Short GuyWhere stories live. Discover now