Chapter 1: Let Down to Society

Start from the beginning

"N-Never mind. It's not important."

Jaiden raises an eyebrow and sighs.

'Oh boy, I wonder how long I can keep this up.'

Jaiden grabs you by the forearm and leads you to her room, revealing a mattress on the floor, about the same height as her actual bed.

"You can sleep on the mattress or on my bed. I don't care either way."

You smile and step further into the room, Jaiden letting go of your arm. You walk over and place your beanie on the mattress, then sitting down.

"I'll take the mattress. Thank you Jaiden!"

You smile warmly at her, she forces a smile back.

Yet, on the inside, she so badly wanted to embrace you and cry her heart out, telling you of all her problems. But she didn't. She ignored that and put on a mask, trying to act like her usual chill and cool self. But it was kind of hard to act that way when really, she's struggling and trying to keep it from her best friend since childhood.

You stare into her eyes, catching a glimpse of pain. You frown and look down, gaining an interest in the carpet under your feet.

'I can tell she's upset, but why is she bottling up her emotions?' You think.

You snap out of it when you hear Jaiden say your name, grabbing your full attention.


"Y-Yes Jaiden?"

"You okay? You zoned out for a second there."

She leans against the doorframe, shifting her weight to her left leg, allowing her right leg to rest.

"Huh? O-Oh......yeah sorry! I tend to go into 'out to lunch' mode sometimes. My bad."

"Heh. Well, do you need to cover up in a thin or thick blanket when you sleep?"

"U-Uh....thin. I'm still a little overheated from jogging outside."

"Why were you jogging?"

"Because I didn't want to walk here and suffer more from the heat."

"Ah. I see."

She stands up straight on both legs and turns around.

"I'll go try and find a thin blanket for you."

"Thank you again Jaiden."

"No problem."

You walk over to Ari's bird cage and see your favorite little 'dog' playing around with a jingle ball. You smile warmly and open the cage, holding your finger out for Ari to sit on, which he/she (I don't know Ari's gender. He's most commonly known as a male so I'll call him a male.) quickly hops onto. You giggle and slowly pull your hand and the little cutie out of the cage. (Not cutie as in the orange.) You stroke his head and press the tip of your nose gently against his beak. He chirps loudly. Not wanting to frighten him too much, you place him back in the cage and close it.

Just then, you hear a loud painful groan coming from the kitchen. You dash out of the room, and see Jaiden down on the floor holding her stomach tightly.

"Auugh. Jeez."

Jaiden doesn't notice you standing there. You look closer at her face, then noticing tears threatening to fall from her eyes. She sniffles and wipes her tears, coughing slightly. She grabs the counter and pulls herself up. You frown and look at her with pity and concern filling your orbs. You walk over to her, only to see she was crying freely now, but making sure to not make a sound. You stand a few feet behind her, then seeing her hover over the sink, proceeding to stick her finger down her throat, making herself gag to the point where she vomits. You look at her unreal thin body, just then seeing she has been doing something terrible. You walk over behind her silently, placing a hand on her shoulder. She jumps at your touch and her eyes widen.

Her head whips in your direction, fear in her eyes.

"O-Oh. Y/N! I-I didn't see you standing there! Uh...."

She looks down in the sink, realising you had probably seen what she did. Hoping you hadn't, she quickly tries to make an excuse.

"U-Uuh I-I have a slight s-stomach virus. S-Sorry."

You look at her with seriousness and disbelief.

'She's lying to me about it?'

"Jaiden..........why are you doing this to yourself?......."

Jaiden's eyes fill with tears again, but she doesn't let them fall.

"Wh-why am I doing what to m-myself?"

"Jaiden. Don't lie to me. Please."

You pull her into an embrace, making her jump again.

"Please, tell me what's going on......."

Her eyes widen yet again, but she doesn't say a word. She remains silent, but eventually, she blurts a simple sentence out.

"I don't want to talk about it."

You sigh and give her a sad glance. She pretends not to notice it, and walks over to a cabinet, grabbing a cloth. She then grabs a plastic cup and fills it with water, pouring it in the sink to get rid of the remaining mess. She then wets the cloth and presses it to her lips, wiping the substance from her mouth. She then throws it into a nearby hamper and throws the cup away.

You walk behind her and embrace her from the waist.


On your actions......she gets an image in her head, but she shakes it off. She crosses her arms and tries her best to hide her face, which is now flooded by tears.

Her secret was found out.

But she tried her best to act like it wasn't what it seemed. She continued to lie.

"I-I'm fine...Y/N......"

You hug her tighter, making her grip her arms tighter as well. She tries as hard as she can to not make a noise, yet she's crying. She sighs and eventually calms down, pretending to scratch her temple, but actually wiping her tears away, but they continue to fall from her eyes.

You notice her crying and hold your head over her shoulder, far enough to see her face. She glances at you, then turns her head to the other side. You sigh and remove one arm from her waist, placing your hand on the side of her face and turning it to look at you. When you can see her whole face, you see rivers pouring out from her eyes. Yours widen. You quickly wipe her tears away and frown.


She looks away again, grabbing your arms and pulling them off of her waist, causing you to frown more. She sighs and walks away into her room, locking the door behind her.

You stand there for a moment and clench your fists.

'I will get Jaiden to tell me what's going on, no matter what it takes.'

You walk to her door, and knock twice. You hear muffled sobs behind the door, along with Ari's chrips.

"Ari, please be quiet. Jeez, that was way too close! Y/N probably knows about what's happening in my life now.........I should've just got the blanket, came back, and acted like I was tired."

You become saddened and worried again. You lean against the wall next to the door and sit down, resting your head in your crossed arms. You close your eyes, and begin to fall asleep.

Helping you Heal   (Jaiden Animations x Female Reader) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now