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Tyler arrives at joshes apartment, its on the other side of ohio. Its a tall tan building, pretty nice shape. He's happy for josh to have made better desisions than him. He buzzes to joshes apartment number and soon hears a click from the door, he opens it and starts up the stairs, he looks up to see josh on the top platform over the stairs. He stops for a moment and feelings he hadn't had since high school rush over him. Josh is beautiful. A different feeling of beautiful from his baby. His mouth drops a bit, he's now standing in place admiring josh, already having a small crush on him.

After a moment he continues up the stairs to josh, who looks into Tyler's arm at the baby. Now josh had his mouth dropped open. "Oh my god tyler. She's perfect" a sweet smile appears on tylers face. He was very comferted, josh just gave off that sort of vibe. They continue into the room "Wow, this is so cool" tyler says. "Well don't get too used to it, i told my boyfriend i wanted to be alone for a little while so you're going to have to leave soon. Tylers happy face turns into a sad one. "I have one bedroom so you're going to sleep on the couch, I hope thats okay." Josh orders "Yea, thats okay, thank you again for letting me stay here"

Josh grabs some Doritos and sits down at his tall table on a tall chair and motions for tyler to do the same.

"So, Josh. What's happened with you since high school?"

"Well i went to college, then got this place, got a boyfriend and here I am now. Nothing much, really."

"What's your boyfriend's name?"


"Oh. Cool."

"Anyways what happened with you?"

"Well i told you over the phone, it's been pretty hard, not knowing what to do" tyler sighs

The two boys talk for a while, then hear heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. They both whip their heads around as a man stands in the doorway with an angry face on. "Josh?" "Anthony!" "Why? Wha-? Are you seeing someone else?" "Jesus josh i leave for a day and this happens!" You can have as much space as you need josh I'm leaving, we can talk about this next week when I have enough space" "Anthony!" He slams the door and they hear him running down the stairs, another slam and he's gone.

All the commotion wakes the baby, to which they both run over to. She's laying on the couch because they didn't have a crib. They both stand there above her and she starts to calm down. "Hey tyler?" "Yea?" "Do you know what you're going to call her?" "I was thinking Jenna"

They decide on going to bed,  tyler puts a couch cutian on the floor next to him and places Jenna on it. Josh walks to a room farther in the apartment and closes the door.

Both boys were restless that night. Jenna only cried two times, other than that, the place was silent until at around 3:45 AM. Tyler heard quiet choked sobs coming from within what he guessed was joshs room. He emediantly jumped up and walked to the room, he knocked a couple quiet knocks which stopped the crying noise, tyler let himslef in and made out Joshes face through the darkness.
"Josh, are you okay"
"I'm fine, don't worry about it"
"No your not" tyler then stumbled to joshes bed and sat next to him.
"I'm really sorry about me staying her, i just hope things work out with your boyfriend" That was a lie. "Yea, i guess" his crackling voice turned into another sob. "Its going to be okay" he streched an arm around joshes shoulder and josh leaned his head on tylers neck. He smelled nice. Josh felt so much better with Tyler than with Anthony.

"Was i really your first love?"

"What??" Josh was suprised with the random question.

Now remembering he said "Well yea, the first time I saw you i knew i was in love with you. And the first time we kissed i thought we would become a couple and stay together for a long time."

"Is there a reason you said 'first kiss' and not just 'kiss'?" Tyler then leaned around into josh, pulling their lips together. Josh was suprised when it happened but didn't care, he leaned in and kissed back. It was magical just like the first time. Tylers free arm wrapped around the other side of josh. Joshes hands were cupped on tylers face. They let go and gasped for air. Tyler then pulled his arms back to himself and stood up on the way out saying "I'm sorry"

Tyler went back to the couch and laid down, thinking of what he had just done. Josh would hate him.

In the other room however Josh was thinking of what just happened smiling even though it was wrong, his crying had stopped and he soon fell asleep

Tbh i didn't even plan this out it just seemed like a good time to add it so yea :)

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