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I usually only write when I'm in the mood, So the story Is good. The last couple days I haven't felt like it so I'm sorry if you're waiting on me.


Josh sat Tyler down on his bed examining his injurys. "Don't worry, I'll be fine" Tyler said. "No!" Josh said, half yelping. "I'll be right back" he told tyler, as he ran to get the emergency kit. When he came back he saw how bad everything looked from far away, hoping it wouldn't look as bad when he was cleaned up.

Josh started by pouring some hydrogen peroxide on a rag and dabbing in on Tyler's cheek. "Josh, I'm really fine, you don't need to do this" Josh stopped for a moment, he was frazzled with a worried look on his face. "Tyler, I don't think you know how bad it really is" Josh wanted him to see so he grabbed Tyler by the wrist and pulled him to the bathroom where the mirror was. Tyler examined his face. It was silent and Josh was now holding Tyler's shoulders, they began to become nervous, Tyler in joshes touch, the silence, them both in the bathroom.

Tyler finally broke the silence "Are you gay?" Josh emediantly dropped his hands and thought for a moment "No" (a/n Everyone thats reading this is probably very triggered) Josh looked at Tyler's face through the mirror, it turned sad real quick. "I don't know" he then said, fixing his words. Tyler was confused, shown through his face, as you usually knew or you didn't. "Why don't you know?" "Well" Josh was embarrassed "I've never dated anyone" Tyler felt the embarrassment for Josh "You are homeschooled after all, no need to worry" he added on "You could see by dating me" he meant it as a joke, he chuckled at himself and Josh nervously laughed. Their faces turned serious, then instead of looking at each other in the mirror they looked at each other for real. (a/n oo that rhymed) Their faces were only a few inches apart. Tyler leaned in and pecked his lips, they both wanted more then that. Tyler then leaned in fully and they started making out, Tyler's hand was in joshes hair. This kiss was magical for both of them, even though this wasn't Tyler's first kiss.

After their short make out session Josh told Tyler he needed to finish cleaning him up and lead him back to his room.

When Josh finished Tyler's face he noticed tears in his shirt and put his hand on it, starting to lift up. He looked at Tyler almost asking for permission, Tyler nodded. Josh only pulled the shirt up from the back but knew it would be difficult to clean it out like that. "C-can you, um take off your shirt?" Tyler response was "You want to see my boobs already? We just met!" This made both boys chuckle and Tyler took off his shirt. Josh starred at Tyler's chest, he couldn't help himself, as he finally started cleaning again Tyler tried making conversation, "Thanks for standing up for me back there, I didn't even know you could fight like that, pretty impressive" "Thanks" Josh tried keeping it cool but couldn't help but blush.

When they were finally done Tyler got up and grabbed the hair dye. Josh had totally forgot about dying his hair but was still intreaged. They once again went back to the bathroom where their first kiss took place. Tyler, shirtless was dying joshes hair. From anywhere else this looked pretty gay but Josh wasn't gay, remember?


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