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This chapter is more joshler"ish" but I feel like it's moving along too quickly so I'm gonna kind of slow things down


When Tyler woke to his alarm going off, his sister was already awake, dressed and ready for school, he sat up "Why are you awake?" "I couldn't sleep so I stayed up all night" "Oh I'm sorry, you could have woken me up" "Nah" when he looked at her the second time he could see a big bruise stained her face "Damn" he said "what?" You have a noticeable bruise on your face, what did you do this time?" "I fell" she replied "We really shouldn't be covering up with secrets you know" "Eh" she replied "Better than telling them the truth" "you have a lot of bruises" she told him "Crap" "I'll just tell them I got in a fist fight, its not a lie" he tried. Her normal look turned to a frown "I just..." "What?" "Why did mom have to leave us, not him us, why didn't she take us with her? She left because he was abusive she should have known we would be abused too" "I know, but like I said when I'm eighteen we'll leave, we won't come back"

"Well anyways we should get going" Tyler announced changing the mode "Yea" maddy replied.

All day Tyler was asked the same question "Where did those bruises come from?" And they all got the same answer "I got into fist fight" It got old really quick but occasionally they asked "With who?" He would just wave them off and say it didn't matter.

At the end of the day when Tyler and his friends were walking down the sidewalk they came across Josh again. Unusual Tyler thought. But Josh did it on purpose... sorta. He wanted to see Tyler again and see if he felt the same way as the day before (a/n I forgot to mention Tyler and Josh don't know each others names, sorry)

When Josh saw Tyler again he did feel the same, and he noticed Tyler's bruises. He felt sorry for him and wondered what could have caused this. When he passed the group Tyler didn't say anything to him, josh was imediantly sad. He turned around and come to his surprise Tyler had turned around too they made eye contact and Tyler could see the sad in joshes eyes. They both turned around and continued walking although Tyler told his friends they could leave without him and ran back to catch Josh before he was gone. When he caught up he placed a hand on joshes shoulder which he was not ready for, causing him to jump, he tripped and fell backwards "Oh jeez, I'm sorry are you okay?" Tyler reached a hand out and Josh took it. "Umm yea, I'm good" Josh knew his face had turned red " So why did you come back?" Tyler asked "I just, umm wanted to go for another walk I guess" the two boys had stopped in place and Tyler knew it was awkrawd for Josh who kept his eyes on the ground. "Umm I gotta go pick up my sister from school, the car is this way if you'd like to walk with me?" Tyler announced "Yea sure!" He replied a little too fast

"So how's it like being homeschooled?" Tyler broke the silence first "it's good" Tyler could tell it wasn't "No it's not, I can tell. Tell me the truth." "Okay, well honestly it sucks, I hate it so much" "Like my dad" tyler muttered under his breath "Umm what?" Josh asked "nothing" "No. Tell me, what's wrong with your dad?" He now had more cofidance in his tone. Tyler imediantly turned bright red and got emtremly awkward. "Uh, I'd rather not say" Josh realized he didn't even know the name of the other boy "What's your name?" "Tyler, and you?" "Josh" "Umm maybe we could hang out sometime?" Joshes voice was fast. Tyler thought for a minute, he was cute, and really nice. It would be nice to get to know him "Yea, that would be cool"

They walked in silence for a minute "So where do you want to go, your house or mine?" Tyler emediantly said "Yours" "Oh okay, yea" "I'm sorry Did that sound rude? I didn't mean to" Tyler put a hand on joshes arm. Josh felt his eyes get big "Okay does tomorrow work?" Josh asked Tyler, who replied with a "yes." Josh was soooo excited, in his mind he was screaming in joy.

Josh felt Tyler's stare on him and looked at him, their eyes met once again. Tyler started leaning in exactly when Josh turned his head. It wasn't that Josh didn't want the kiss, it's not that he did want it either, he was just thinking about going home. Tyler took this the wrong way and got angry for a second then releized no one should see him kissing a guy, because nobody knew he was gay plus it wasn't like they could just 'meet' for the second time and he could just fuck him. Josh told Tyler he should head home, Tyler nodded in agreement and sighed as he watched Josh go. He reliezed he and Josh walked really slow before and he was going to be late picking up maddy, so he scurried along to his car.


My World-Our World (Joshler)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang