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Tyler woke up, back at his dad's house, although he hated it, he would have to deal with it for another year. He took maddy to school like usual this time not having to worry about his dad because he was too drunk and passed out, Tyler preferred it this way anyways.

He was already in a good mood from leaving care-free. He told maddy before dropping her off that she would have to walk home tonight, she didn't put up a fight just said okay, another thing that made him happy. Everyone was nice at school that day so he felt like a million bucks along with the fact he got to go meet up with Josh, his little crush. He shouldn't be saying "little crush" he doesn't even know him. For all he know he could be a serial killer. Nah, he was to gentle for that. He started walking his usual path when he realized Josh didn't tell him where he lived, his happy mood dropped. He was left was a frown. He stood there for a minute and decided all he could do is go home, so he started that way.

When he heard his name being called behind him he whipped around, it was josh, his frown turned to a smile and he jogged over to where he was standing "Why where you leaving?" Joshes face was a bit pale "I wasn't, well I was, I just didn't have your address so I decided to just go home an-" " "It's alright" josh cut off Tyler. Much to Tyler's surprise Josh had grabbed his hand and started jogging across the street pulling him along.

It all happened so fast that by the time he realized it they were at the other side, Tyler quickly ripped out of joshes grip in an angry matter. Josh had thought this was okay since Tyler had touched his arm the day before. Joshes eyes were huge and he pulled his hand to his chest. Tyler had an angry look on his face that said "how could you do that?!" Tyler now said "Ohmygosh umm I'm really sorry I don't mean to be mean I just didn't want people to see me holdi-" Tyler's sentence was cut off by Josh "You didn't want people seeing you holding my hand??" "No I..." They stood in silence on the corner of the busy street "I don't want people to know I'm gay" Tyler chimed. Josh took a minute for this to enter in his brain. Tyler's gay! "I think it's wonderful!" Josh finally said his disgusted look replaced with a now much happier one. Josh started walking again like nothing ever happened, this time not holding Tyler's hand.

Tyler was confused about what had just happened, he cought up to Josh and they walked in silence for a couple minutes before Josh saying "So you're gay for me?" Josh had a grin on his face "What no!" Now Tyler had a red face. Usually Josh was a quite kid and would never talk like that but he was very comfortable and liked Tyler. "I mean you're the only decent person I've met compared to people at school" "Oh thanks I'm decent" Josh replied "No that not what I mean I just didn't want to sound flirty, you're honestly like the best person I've met in a long time" now joshes face was red too. The two boys with red faces walked down the street until they made it to joshes house.

When they walked in josh grabbed Tyler's hand again and started quietly running upstairs when he reliezed he would get scolded for it, he let go and turned around whispering "Sorry" he shrugged his shoulders "were not in public, are we?" Tyler whispered back, he placed his hand back into joshes and they went to his room.

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