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Scarlett pov:

As my alarm blared the song Story of my Life I slapped it until it shut up. I was very tired and didn't enjoy the fact that I would have to get up and use my three hours of sleep to go to work.

As I sat up in bed I looked in the mirror to my left horrified at what I saw. A big pile of fluff lay a top of my head making me dread the moment my brush went through it.

Trying not to procrastinate anymore I got up and performed my daily ritual of the morning.

Throwing on a pikachu shirt, black leggings and black converses I ran down stairs to wash my face and put on mascara with pink eye shadow.

Afterward I ran a brush through my hair winning the fight of curly bed head.

As I ran downstairs I got to the door and grabbed my keys. I usually did t check what time it was because that would make me even more late the I'd already be.

Jumping into my car I hit the gas and sped towards the only place I knew... the bakery.

Don't get me wrong, watching people cook and eating the food is amazing, but I Scarlett had better things to do now a days.

Valentine's day was getting closer and I was afraid I would be rejected. Whenever I thought about the holiday a certain brown haired boy people In my mind.

He was amazing and everything I could hope for. For about ten years now we've been stuck In the friend zone now I will admit my feelings.

Let me tell you that it's going to be hard. You see the boy I like is a youtuber and there's probably a million people lining up to go out with him.

Honestly this boy is so special that I would die in side if he said no. That's why tomorrow I'm going to announce my feelings towards him.

Tomorrow I will tell the whole world my excitement and my positivity and how I wouldn't just give up.

I'll show him I'm worth it. As I make it to a stop sign my phone buzzs scaring me and killing my motivation.

Hey Y/N come pick me up I need you -Jordy

As I read the text I start to hyperventilate.

Not now it can't be now. Oh world plz I need alittle more time.

As I turn the corner not wanting to let him down I press the breaks.

Standing right in front of me is Jordan.

His hair is wet, probably stained with sweat, and he is staring up at me putting his heads up smiling at me.

His phone dangles in his left hand as he places them to his side.

Walking up to my car I unlock the door waiting for him to come in.

"Hey didn't know you were going to work at Saucy Bakery off of two third street, or that you turn that stop sign in order to get to my house from this exact location" he says alittle too innocently.

"What do you want?" I ask knowing he loves to play these little games.

"I'd like you too drive me home" he states smiling.

Laughing I turn the corner not caring that I kept everyone waiting and begin on my journey.

Usually I would tell him to walk himself home knowing he did this to annoy me but something wanted me to drive him home.

Maybe it was me announcing my love for him soon or just how extremely nervous he was but I had to take him there.

As we pull up to his house I unlock the doors turning to stare at him.

His brown hair had fluffed up and now looks like a cat. His brown eyes listened with nervous energy reflecting me back in them. His lips had a trail of sweat running down them.

"Welp goodbye see us tomorrow" I chuckle hoping he didn't catch on to my daughter or feelings.

"Bye" is all he says. As he turns to get out it looks like he's debating something.

Before I understand he quickly whips around losing me on the lips and giving me a note running out of the car not looking back.

As I sit there astonished I look at the note wondering if it's some sick joke.

The note read: I'm sorry I can't say this in person but I like you. I hope you will become my fellow adventurer and join me in this adventure called life. To many more adventures will you be one of mine that I take on.

SweetHeart14_VTfan requested this and I was happy to oblige

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