Isaac Frye

20 1 14

Okay I just wanted to say something. Apparently on instagram Isaac had a serious talk to all the fans.

How almost all of them are hating because the girls, Bethany and Cierra, and him are having more screen time and they think they are taking over.

That it's Jordan's channel and they shouldn't have that much screen time.

And I'm like what the fuddlecakes because they made the channel together. It's not just Jordan's channel and just because the fans favor him more doesn't mean they should fuddling hate on the others.

I feel so sorry for the guy and just want to fuddling hug the poor dude.

#Goombas and fire queens and kyodais (don't know if that's how you spell it) our apart of the channel too and should not be hated because they are all amazing

#Goombas are bae and can talk

#fire queens are amazing and majestic and are also bae

#kyodais are funny and beautiful and also bae

#jordans are unique and still deserve the love but people should also share the love with the whole team and not hate

I know he will never see this but I just wanted to say no matter what I love all of you guys. And I don't care how much screen time you each get because you are all amazing and this is all of ya channel.

I love ya Goomba and I'm on your side :)

Sorry about that just wanted to say something

P.s fuddling is in my dictionary so deal with it

P.p.s here's a goomba

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