Heathers Ventiplier Venturian x Markplier

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I'm so very sorry but something popped in my mind so know I have to write about it. This is going to dead girl walking and Jordan's going to be Veronica and Markplier is going to be J.D. If you want I could make a jordica or ToastedGhost one.
Jordan will be italicized and marks will be normal.

The demon queen of YouTube has decreed it

Walks down dark road.

She says Monday eight am I'll be deleted

Sighs and turns corner.

They'll hunt me down in study hall

Jumps up and make gun signs with his hands.

Stuff and mount me on the wall thirty hours to live how shall I spend them

Puts hands in pockets and huffs.

I don't have to stay and die like cattle


I can change my name and move down to Ohio.

Has a moment of realization.

But I don't own a motor bike.

Sees Mark's house.

Wait here's an option that I like spend this last thirty hours getting sugar hyped yeah

Runs to marks house.

I need it bad I'm a dead guy walking I'm in your yard I'm a dead guy walking

Runs to marks window.

Before they punch my clock

Holds his favorite clock close to his chest

I'm snapping off your window lock got no time to knock I'm a dead guy walking

Jumps in the room like a ninja but falls on his face.

Jordan what are you doing in my room

Recollects himself and stands up.


Spits everywhere.

Sorry but I really had to wake you see I've decided that you must take me shopping

Runs over to marks purse

Cause jessica says I gotsta go you're my last chance for sugar shut your mouth and grab your keys come on

Ushers Mark out of the house

Tonight I'm yours I'm your dead guy walking

They arrive at the candy store and walk in.

Get on all fours get this dead guy gummies

Points to bottom shelf.

Let's go you know the drill I'm hot and deserve them pills

Points to mint tic tacs.

Bow down to the will of a dead guy walking

Grabs Mark's hand.

And you know you know you know it's cause you're beautiful you say your not gay but I can't agree so YouTube's not fair keep it fake in there right now it's beautiful let's make this beautiful

Jordan grabs Mark's hand and brings him to the fifth candy aisle.

Fine you broke me

Mark kisses Jordan's cheek.

Yeah full steam ahead take this dead guy shopping

Points to another candy aisle.

How'd you fine this address

Points to the candy shops entrance.

Let's empty this store take this dead guy shopping

Points to more candy.

I think we broke that one shelf

Points to shelf.

No sleep tonight for you better chug that mountain dew

Jordan slams can in Mark's hand.

Okay okay

Takes a sip.

Get your butt in gear make these snacks disappear

Points to everything.

Okay okay

Starts to vocalize.

Slap me pull my hair take the snacks there and there and there no more talking take this dead guy shopping

Grabs Mark's hand.

Take this dead guy shopping.

Starts laughing.

Take this dead guy yeah yeah yeah

Slaps mark.

Owww Yeah



basically this is a parody and a ventiplier shipment.

Jordan's thoughts and actions were in this type of writing

Jordan's singing was in this writing

Mark's thoughts are actions are in this writing

Mark's singing is in this writing

So if you want something like this with songs from any musical and a different ship plz leave a comment and tell me if you liked this that is all for this time I will write to you next time *salutes*bye bye

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