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A Buffy the vampire slayer one shot because why not

Buffy pov:

It's not fair. I want him I need him but it's not right. So as I walk down the cemetery patrolling I groan at the sound of his voice.

"Bloody hell is this how you forget about us having sex. Stabbing a bunch of Brits who happen to be blonde vampires ?" Spike questions.

"Spike, look I'm sorry I really am, but we... this is a mistake. A horrible horrible mistake" I whisper every word hurting me.

What surprises me next is his reaction. Instead of shrugging it off he starts to cry.

"Spike are you...?" I begin but he of course interrupts me.

"Crying!!! Damn right I am. I'm down chasing you around. Buffy I bought you a ring. A bloody hell ring that took me months to buy. I told myself maybe she will love me if we get married. If I showed her a spell so we can have a baby. My brain was like let's do it so I did but you're throwing me away again. My chips remove you can't test it but I haven't hurt anybody or one. So I'm going to stab myself" he explains setting the ring on the floor.

It was beautiful a ruby I think. As he pulls the steak to his heart I scream.

"Don't do it! Don't do it! Spike I love you but it's not healthy. I want to marry you. I want to be with you but I can't so I'm sorry please forgive me. Because I'm.... forget it, yes Spike yes!" I yell shoving him on the ground.

"Should we begin on the spell?"

An: weird bit I liked it enjoy cheesy:)

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