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"Could someone please take this pile of work I have on my desk for Harry Hook?" Every teacher of the day had asked with a groan.
"I'll take it." I sheepishly raised my hand before Gil or Uma could.
"Thank you so much, Miss Gothel."
"Not a problem." I smiled.
But it was. It really was.
Because I'd have to give Harry his work, which meant I'd have to see him, and talk to him, and I don't think I can do that, considering the last time I did that it was disastrous.
Now everyone's asking: Do I want Harry Hook back?
Of course.
Do I need him back?: Most likely.
Do I think he's good for me?: Not one bit.
But I don't think I'm good for him either.
I make Harry weak, as I clearly watched in the schoolyard, surrounded by all the other students, and on the deck, which probably embarrassed the hell out of him.
But somehow, and this doesn't make any sense, we're good together, but not for each other.
Make sense?
Nevermind, I knew I sounded crazy.

I sighed at the end of the day as I attempted to shove a one-foot-tall mountain of Harry Hook's missed work into my bookbag.
I noticed today that Uma and Gil didn't even look up when the teacher had asked. In fact, no one did.
Was this his plan to see me again? To have me pick up his work?
I huffed. This is something Harry would do.
I opened my locker to get my jacket, and a notes fell.
I opened one carefully.
I haven't been in my locker all week.

Note #1:

We miss who you used to be.
Don't cry.
Because we're rotten
... to the core.

Missing your old self,

Note #2:

Gracie Gothel,

Oh, one of my few friends.
I kniw I've done some horrible things to you in the past, but I genuinely miss you and Hook together. You were the perfect duo, and I know I groaned at the very sight of your PDA, but let's face it. I'm not even part of the relationship and I miss it.
Please just talk to him, and hopefully give him another chance. I know you still love Hook. And I guarantee he still loves you.

Begging you,

Note #3:

Hey girl. I know you're sad. You should go kiss Harry and make everything better.

Love, Gil.

Note #4:

My love,

I hope you realize I broke into the school for this, although it's not a big deal. Remember all the times we had done it?
Anyways, I've been a literal codfish.
I need you in my life, Gracie.
All those times I was pushing you to be even more evil, I don't even know why.
I was attracted to the fact you were different from the very beginning.
And I remember the day I fell in love with you clearly:
It was fifth grade, and we were in the playground. It a rare joy time they gave us. Anyway, me and Uma were swinging, and I fell down. She had gotten bored and didn't feel like helping, so she left to play some random imaginary game with Harry.
But you came over and asked if I was alright. You went to the teacher. You walked me to the nurse. You held my hand when she put rubbing alcohol all over my knee (but seriously, that shit STINGS). You put on the bandage. And you walked me back to recess and constantly asked if I was okay.
It was that day, Grace, that I knew I would be with you for a really long time.
That whole year, we became best friends.
And next year, I had finally, in the most sheepish, little kiddy way possible— asked you to be my first girlfriend.
And you said yes.
Since then, I've been in love with you.
We were each firsts, Gracie.
First relationship, first kiss, first time... you get the point.
And I need you in my life.
I'm so lost without you, Gracie.
I just want you to know that I will never stop loving you.
Come back.
I know you love me too.

Sincerely with so much love,

I stuck the notes in the one free pocket of my bookbag, and headed off to Never Journey Avenue, towards Harry's house, hoping I wouldn't even have to walk far enough to that. I hoped I would see him on the way there.

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