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"Just skip class with us, Gracie." Jay smiled.
"Guys. I've skipped six classes this week already, and it's only Wenesday. As much as I'd love to, you know how annoyed I get when I don't know what's going on."
"Pff. Your loss." Mal flicked her hand.
Evie gave me a kiss on the cheek. "See you at the house after school." She smiled.
All our parents lived together, and all of us girls shared a massive room, and the boys shared one too.
"Watch. She'll skip class with Harry next period." Carlos rolled his eyes and I glared at him.
My next class was with Harry. It was History of Weapons, our least favorite. But we made it better for each other.
Uma was in that class too, with Gil.
I set my stuff down on the table.
"Hey love." Harry kissed me.
"None of that." Miss Hodge shook her finger.
Uma gave her her middle one without being noticed. We all laughed.
"I got nothing planned for today, just do whatever you want." The teacher slammed her books on her desk and reclined in her chair. The class erupted in cheers.
Uma turned around. "So has Mal talked about me lately?" Uma asked.
"Uma, I told you I'm not picking sides or getting in the middle of it.
She grabbed me by my pastel purple hair.
"I only put up with your snotty ass because you're dating my best friend. Don't make me regret it." She muttered.
"Uma, that's enough." Harry smacked her hand.
I rolled my eyes and grabbed her braids.
"If you ever touch me again, I'll pull this sea weed right out of your scalp." I muttered.
She laughed. "Still friends?"
I smiled and high fived her. "Still friends."
"Don't forget that you have to work my night shift." Uma said.
"But Uma!" I whined.
"Life ain't fair! I wanna go out tonight. You're taking my shift. Got it?" She smiled.
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Fine."
She grinned. "Good."
"Hey lady! Gotta use the bathroom. Be back when I feel like it." Uma shouted at the sleeping teacher and left.
"Me too." Gil said and followed her, as he usually does.
"H-hey Grace. Harry." Sandra said. Sandra was the daughter of Smee, Captain Hook's first mate.
"Just because our fathers were together on a ship years ago doesn't mean we're friends, Sandra. I told you that." Harry flicked his wrist towards her seat.
Sandra was always a shy little girl.
I smacked Harry's arm.
"Yes Sandra?" I smiled sweetly.
"Did you get the answers to the homework?" She asked.
"I did. Here you go." I smiled and handed her my paper.
"Thank you s-so so much."
"You're welcome." I grinned. "I just need it back when you're done."
She nodded and went back to her seat.
Harry rolled his eyes. "Weak."
"Excuse me?" I said, pushing his hand off my thigh.
"You're so nice, it bothers me. Such a goody-two-shoes. Sometimes I wonder how we're together." He laughed to himself.
"I'm getting better at being bad, I promise." I looked at him.
"Mother says I get it from my father." I added. "It'll pass. Soon."
He shook his head and smiled.
"I'm serious! I put hair remover in Mal's shampoo. Just for kicks."
"Now that's what I like to hear." He whispered in my ear.
"But she smelled it and yelled at me."
He shook his head. "I love you lots, Grace. But you need to grow some bones."
"I totally do have bones! I screamed at an old lady for getting in the way of my path."
He kissed me. "Wish I was there to see it."
The bell rang. Uma and Gil still weren't back.
"I'm done with you right now." I grumbled at Harry.
"We fight all the time, my dear! You know you'll be back into my arms as soon I set foot through the diner tonight." He yelled as I left.
"Bet." I yelled back.

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