~Chapter 10~

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Brett's P.O.V

Sitting in my studies I thought about how her body looked so lifeless. How she looked beyond scared and shook with the unexpected. It wasn't until she mumbled innocents that I realized she has a troubling past. She mumbled a bunch of words but I was pissed. What sick fuck could harm an innocent woman like Melody? Then to find out it was her own blood if he wasn't dead and I got my hands on him I would make him wish he was. After the day all I wanted to do was cuddle with the little angel but as scared as she was I didn't want her to hate me. I just wanted to drink off the thoughts then go to bed.

Taking a sip of my beer I sighed. "Brett!" Father roared. I wasn't scared because I was used to it. He stomps his way in my studies and faces me.

"Yes?" I said taking another sip of my beer.

"What did you tell her?" He asked. I looked up at him.

"It's more like what she know?" I said.

"Boy don't play with me... What did you tell her?" I set my beer down at lean back in my chair.

"Why are you assuming it's me? You are the one who has seen her more in the past two week. Maybe you had said something you shouldn't have." He places his hands on my desk and leans in.

"If you say the wrong thing and she says something about it then I have to get rid of her and I would hate to do that to a friend" He said calmly.

"Then maybe you shouldn't have told her you would do the fucking documentary. She would have understood you're a busy man." I hissed.

"Boy don't use that tone with me. I am still your father and this is still my company. And you will respect both. If that girl finds out what we do, what YOU do that's it, Brett. It's over and we have to kill another threat. If no, when that time comes I will not give mercy. Are we clear?" He asked. I stand up and lean over the desk going face to face with him.

"No, we're not clear. You're not killing her. If she finds out and most likely she will then no harm will come to her. You, are the mastermind behind this company remember? So that means this falls on you. And I'm left here to pick up the broken piece. With that little devil on my side. You forgot one thing father this company is still mine and in a couple months this company will wipe yours out completely. Threaten Melody again and I'll take that whore you call a wife and drag my mother's blade in her stomach to kill that thing that lives in her stomach and drag it up to her heart so her last breath is on my hands. And I will love every minute of it." I said. By now he was raging. "Kevin!" I yelled looking my father in the eyes. My bodyguard Kevin walks into the room.

"Yes, sir?" He asked. He glances at Michael and back at me.

"Take Michel off my house..." I said. His eyes were fixed on me with rage turning his eyes just as black as his heart. "Lay one hand on Melody and I promise to make your life hell while spreading your little secrets to your enemies while becoming your enemy. Just remember you never bring a pup to a wolf fight. It never works out for the pup." I said. 

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