Naraku and the Deal.

Start from the beginning

"Your first job is to find a man named Sesshomaru." I looked blankly at her as her concern stapled itself upon her face. "What?"

"I... I met Lord Sesshomaru..." She looked frightened.

"When did this happen?" I asked her, spite filling up in my voice. All of a sudden one of her hands went up to touch a spot on her neck.

"After I met you for the first time," she started and then paused as she began to shake. She was obviously scared until she relaxed and her eyes met mine again. "Instead of me striking you, I striked him after you disappeared."

"Ah. I see." That was all I said.



"Why can't you kill me now?"

I chuckled. "Might as well get some use out of you before you off yourself."

"And will he kill me the quickest?" Her eyes looked sad, and for some reason that made me angry.

"Not unless you let him."

I saw desperation in her eyes and my anger grew. She seemed to be planning to get herself killed before I had gotten my use out of her.

"You are not to die yet, wench." I spoke up, my voice loud and clear. Her eyes looked frightened, but she nodded in understanding.

"You must kidnap the little girl that he is traveling with. Bring her to me, so that I may defeat Sesshomaru. Only then will I allow you to die."

"Yes Master Naraku." She huffed. I hadn't expected that from her, but I let out a crooked chuckle.

"Be on your way. Kagura will accompany you."


Rin's P.O.V.

Lord Sesshomaru had finally come and got me  with Ah-Uh and we set back out on our journey. Something seemed off about my lord though, so I walked to Master Jaken, our little green imp friend.

"Master Jaken, is there something wrong with Lord Sesshomaru? He seems... frustrated." I whispered, making sure Lord Sesshomaru didn't get mad at me for talking. He really liked his silence.

"Lord Sesshomaru was recently attacked by a demon wench," Master Jaken said. I gasped quietly and looked at the back of Lord Sesshomaru's head, keeping the conversation with Jaken going.

"Was it Kagura?"

"No, it was another. She even seemed shocked that she attacked M'lord in the first place."

"But no one else really has any hatred with Lord Sesshomaru, do they?"

Master Jaken groaned at my question. He gets annoyed with me easily.

I hadn't noticed, but Lord Sesshomaru had stopped, so by the time I saw, I was standing next to him. As I looked up at him, he was looking intently at the clearing in front of us.

"What's the matter, Lord Sesshomaru?" I asked quietly. I could hear walking come from outside of the forest.

"Rin, get back." My lord warned, and I did. I went by Ah-Uh and sat on their saddle, watching the forest intensely.

All of a sudden, a woman walked out of the forest. She was extremely beauitful. The lady wore a pale pink kimono with a pale green kimono underneath that, both very thin and looked very easy to move in. Her eyes were brown as they showed no emotion and her hair was long and down to her waist. I was about to ask who she was when Master Jaken finally shouted:

"Lord Sesshomaru! It's the wench from earlier!"

I saw my lord's eyes narrow as the woman got closer, but stopped about twenty feet away from him. I wonder if Lord Sesshomaru thought she was as beautiful as I thought she was.

What am I thinking? Lord Sesshomaru barely shows emotion to me or Master Jaken. I doubt he would find attraction in someone as human as her... I thought to myself... Wait... She is human, isn't she? 


Sesshomaru's P.O.V.

Rin hopped on the back of Ah-Uh and I watched as the woman who struck me just a few days ago came walking toward me. Jaken made it very clear who she was. There was something slightly different about her though. I couldn't tell what it was, until I sniffed it.


"Yes, my lord?" He asked, sweat dripping from his brow.

"Take Rin and get out of here." He didn't even hesitate. They were off in just a few seconds. 

"So you're using the power of a Shikon Jewel..." I let out. "Pathetic that you can't rely on your own power."

"It's funny, the way you speak, Sesshomaru." The woman let out. Her voice was different. A little clouded.

"Where's Naraku, wench?" I growled.

"Naraku is.. not here. I came for the girl."

"What business do you have with her?"

"She is keeping me alive. I cannot have that happen."

...What? At first I didn't understand, but to think that Rin was keeping this girl alive. I did not understand it.

"How so, girl?" I asked.

"I am to bring her to Naraku. So that you may come, and he may destroy you." Her eyes went blank before she continued, "only then will my life be ended."

"How about I end it for you..." I pulled out Tokijin, opposite of what I pulled out the first time we met, when I held Tenseiga to her throat.

"Master Naraku said I was to live," She said, sounding sad. I didn't understand this girl, nor did I really want to. All I knew is that she was NOT getting Rin, and if I absolutely needed to -- I would kill her. 

Her eyes were begging that I did.

You're Such A Mutt (Sesshomaru) - UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now