My heart beat races, dreading what is to come. The crackle and roar have me cringing as a wall of fire flares up, lighting the room and cutting me off from the window. The flames eagerly devour the posters adorning my walls, reducing my childhood belongings to ash.

The heat and choking smoke force me into the hallway. Fleeing the fire, I have no choice but to run downstairs as the malevolent flames shepherd me into the sitting room.

There is Isabella, my birth mother. Normally I see my adopted parents. She smiles at me and the look of love on her face tears at my heart. I desperately try to call out a warning, but no sound comes out of my mouth.

There is the inevitable crash as part of the ceiling collapses and a burning beam smashes down on Isabella. Trapped, she screams and reaches out a hand to me. I rush forward, only for the inferno to drive me back.

As tears blur my vision, dark smoke billows out of the open fireplace, forming a shadowy figure.  Its sinister voice echoes around the room. 'You cannot escape me, Elissa.'

I am paralysed with fear as it reaches out spectral fingers towards me. Even without touching me, it feels as if its dark power is tainting my soul.

The door splinters open. A tall figure in a fluorescent jacket and breathing apparatus crashes through the wreckage. He scoops me up in his arms and in a deep voice reassures, "I have you."

It's the fireman! I breathe a sigh of relief that this nightmare is finally coming to an end and rest my head against his chest.

"My princess, please awake." 

Relief rushes through me to find myself back in bed in the inn and despite the reassurance of strong arms holding me, I burst into tears.

"You are safe now." Kai's deep voice rumbles through me.

With surprising gentleness, he strokes my back until my heartbeat normalises. Belatedly, I realise that my face is pressed against his firm, bare chest. Shyly, I peek up into his dark eyes.

"I'm sorry if I woke you. It was just a bad dream."

"I would say. You are still trembling."

"I saw my mother perish in a fire."

There is a flash of something, possibly pain in his expression, though his voice is gentle. "Shh. Rest. I will remain at your side until you fall asleep."

This nightmare has haunted me ever since the original fire and normally I cannot sleep. Yet I feel safe with Kai at my side. I close my scratchy eyes.  A featherlight touch, like the brush of butterfly wings, skims across my temple.

I'm on a dragon, lent back against the curve of his neck and Kai is sat opposite, his gaze practically smouldering.

"How long before we get to the palace?"

"As long as we want. Antares can take us on a scenic route. Now come here," he demands, crooking a finger.

Slinking over to him, I slide my hands up his chest and over the muscles barely restrained under his thin shirt. "What can I do for my champion?" I purr. I have no idea where this brazenness is coming from.

Kai wraps his arms around me, one hand splayed across my back and the other lower. Pulling me flush against his body. I am enveloped in his scent of leather, spice and smoke.

He speaks low, almost a growl, "You kindled my fire. It burns for you still."  

As if a sign, fire bursts forth all over his body, engulfing us both. Unlike in my nightmare, the flames do not burn. Instead they lick across my skin, chasing wonderful sensations everywhere they touch.  Kai claims my lips and unleashes a kiss full of fire and passion.


I'm woken by someone blundering about the room. It's Kai. My cheeks heat, recalling the dream I just had.

I'm about to hide under the covers when I notice that he does not look at all well. His skin is flushed, verging on glowing. Concerned, I slip out of bed and call out his name. His gaze swings to mine and for a moment I could swear that minuscule flames flicker in his irises.

"Water," he croaks.

I grab the glass from beside my bed and hand it to him. The liquid starts to bubble and boil before he can even get it to his lips. He stumbles over to the bathroom, clinging on to the door frame before entering.

As the minutes tick by, I start to fret. How long does a man need to do whatever he needs to do in a bathroom?

Knocking on the door, I call to him. When there is no response, I thump on the door and shout, "KAI, CAN YOU HEAR ME?"

My instincts insist that something is wrong. I try the handle but it's locked. It is not yet dawn, so I don't  want to disturb the twins unless it's absolutely necessary.  A flash of inspiration crosses my mind and I call out, "Resero."

There is the definitive sound of a click and jubilant, I open the door. The room is obscured in steam, which rushes forward to greet me.

Waving at the fog, I cautiously make my way over to the rain chamber. Kai is slumped over on the tiled floor. The water cascades mercilessly down, pounding his prone form and gushing over the massive tattoo of a red dragon adorning his back.

Without thought, I charge into the cubicle. The water is freezing and within seconds I'm soaked to the skin, my silk nightdress offering little protection. Kai's body by contrast is like a furnace and is almost too hot to touch as I try ineffectively to shake him. Oh my god, he is huge! Even his muscles have muscles. There is no way that I can move him.

"KAI!" I shout in his ear, unable to keep a hint of panic from my voice.

He lifts his head and his eyes spring open. The flames behind his irises are unmistakable now.


AN - the song is Nightmares by All Time Low.

Let's hope that Zane can get to Darish in time. What's up with Kai?

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