Goodbye World! Goodbye Family!

Start from the beginning

"I wouldn't be too happy," Kaz warned. "After all, even if it doesn't start snowing again we have to worry about getting out of this cafe. The door's jammed."

"Matthias can just un-jam it," Jesper said dismissively. "He's such a strong, handsome guy." At this Jesper turned toward Matthias and fluttered his eyelashes. Wylan stifled a snicker at the blonde's look of extreme discomfort.

"Can't Inej just help us get out?" Paja asked loudly, over the newest clamor of voices.

Inej made a face. "I have extremely advanced gymnastics training," she told her apologetically. "I can't guarantee that any of you can replicate that without injuring yourself."

"That archetype is sweet though," Wylan whispered to Jesper. "The fact that Kaz has a cane and Inej is super flexible."

"Right?" Jesper whispered back. "That's what we've been telling them for years!"
"Stop whispering."

They both shot a glare to Kaz, who didn't hesitate to return it.

"Fuck!" they suddenly heard and Wylan snapped his head to see Nina at the window again. "God-fucking-dammit, the snow started up again!"

"Nooo," Jesper cried dramatically, falling to his knees. "Not again! Oh goodbye world! Goodbye family! I shall forever miss you as I am stuck in these hell-damned four walls for the rest of my life! I may never see the su-"

Wylan chose to turn a blind eye as Kaz kicked him.


Three excruciatingly painful hours later, Jesper made a marvelous discovery.

"We have alcohol!" he screamed suddenly, bolting up from behind the counter. In his hands were two (very) large bottles of whiskey and Nina let out another victorious whoop.

"No," Matthias said firmly. "When we get drunk, bad things happen."

Mom friend, Jesper mouthed obviously to Wylan. Wylan tried not to snort too loudly at that.

"I say we drink it," Inej said in a surprising turn of events. "Those who wish not too, don't have too."

"Absolutely not," Kaz said sharply, backing Matthias. "Have you all forgotten what happened on the night of Incident That Shall Not Be Named #27,389? Or for that matter, Incident That Shall Not Be Named #19, 539?"

They all shuddered unanimously, and Wylan and Paja exchanged similarly befuddled looks.

You ask, he mouthed to her.

No, you ask, she mouthed back. They're your friends.

Yeah but they're also completely insane.

You choose to date on of them, you ask about their crazy events.

That was not in the terms and conditions sheet!

There was no terms and conditions sheet dumbass.

Okay, there practically was. It wasn't physically there, but you could imagine it.

"As amusing as that exchange was," Kaz drawled, "no, the whole point of naming it 'Incident That Shall Not Be Named' is because we never speak of it again."

"But," Nina tempted Paja, "if you get us drunk we might!"

"Alright," Paja shrugged. "Let's go bitches. Grab a bottle and we'll play Never Have I Ever. Or Truth or Dare, which one?"
"Let's not," Matthias deadpanned. "How about 'Let's Kick Out the Barista?"

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