Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 - Edited by Grammar_Nazi

"Wake up” I said to Nick the next morning after coming from the bathroom and drawing up the curtains letting the morning rays into the room, “You have been sleeping too long, you must wake up now, Nick,” I nagged at him as if he could hear me. It had become a sort of routine to tell him to wake up in this manner.

“Cass?” I heard someone call. I immediately turned and saw Nick looking at me with the same wide eyes as mine. His blue eyes open and looking at me, I couldn’t look anywhere but those deep blue eyes.

“You’re awake,” I said more to myself and rushed towards him and hugged him, “You’re finally awake,” I sobbed into his shoulder.

I could feel him hesitate for a moment before he hugged me back, “What happened to me?” he asked.

I released him and wiped my tears, “You were in a car accident,” I told him, “I’m so happy that you’re finally awake,” I hugged him again.

“How long have I been sleeping?” he asked.

“You’ve been in coma for six weeks,” I replied, “Everyone has been so worried about you.”

“You worried about me too, Cass?” he inquired.

I nodded and then stared at him, I just realized what he just called me, “You’re calling me Cass,” I pointed out, my voice dimming at each word.

He chuckled, “I always call you Cass, don’t I?”

I bit my lips, “You haven’t called me that since we.....” I hesitated to tell him.

“Since we what?” he asked.

“Don’t you remember anything?” I asked him.

“I remember you, Cass,” he smiled.

“Don’t you remember anything about us?” I asked him again.

“I remember you don’t like me and call me a jerk,” he smirked.

“Don’t you remember anything that happened between us?” I bit my lips.

“Something happened between us?” he queried his eyes shining with mischief, “Something good?”

I was about to respond when Amy entered the room with her parents, “Nick,” she ran towards him. “Oh, Nick,” she hugged him and, “I’m so happy that your finally awake. I couldn’t forgive myself for what happened.”

“Hey, I’m fine,” Nick soothed her, “I’m perfectly fine. Look at me. Why are you blaming yourself for what happened to me?”

“I’m the root of every problem. I’m the cause of your accident,” she sobbed, “Please forgive me.”

“Hey, whatever you’ve done, you’re forgiven,” Nick said to her kissing her on the cheek while Amy still sobbing on his chest.

“We all were so worried about you,” said his mom joining in the hug.

“Yeah, I know,” he nodded, “Cass told me.”

“Cass?” Amy looked up at him weirdly and then at me, “You called her Cass?” His parents cast the same curious look at me.

“He doesn’t seem to remember certain things. I’ll call the doctor,” I told them, and went out to find a nurse instead of just pressing the “Call button”. A lone tear escaped my eyes and I quickly wiped it.

I didn’t want Nick to see my disappointed face that he couldn’t remember anything that happened between us. He called me Cass. Has the accident caused him to forget everything about us or is he just pretending?

We waited outside the room while Doctor Adrian checked him. I rushed towards the doctor when he came out from Nick’s room, “How is he?” I asked the doctor.

“He’s doing fine,” he told us, “But he doesn’t remember entirely the incidents that have happened for last couple of years. Anyway you should be grateful that he remembered everyone including me,” he chuckled and I smiled with him, “That happens to some people. Let's hope it just temporary. Give him sometime, he might remember everything soon. I don’t think there’s anything to be worried about. Take care.”

“Thanks, Doctor,” Nick’s dad thanked him. He turned the knob to enter Nick’s room and I started to walk towards the cafeteria.

“You’re not coming?” asked Amy.

“No, I’ll join in later. I’ll let you guys be with him first. After all he definitely wanted to be with his family,” I told her.

“You are part of the family, Ashley,” said his father looking concernedly at me.

I smiled, “I know but…” I trailed off, “I’ll join you guys later. I haven’t taken my breakfast and my stomach is growling,” I excused myself.

Amy gave me unconvinced look and I gave her a pleading look instead. She sighed, “Alright.”

“Guys,” I called them before the entered his room, “Don’t tell him anything about us, please. I want to be the one who tell him and make him remember,” I said to them at the same time I cast a warning look at Amy. Even though I have forgiven her I still don’t trust her to keep her mouth shut about what happened.

She gave me a assuring smiled, “My mouth is zip tight,” she said pretending to zip her mouth and throw the key away. I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t worry,” assured Nick’s mom, “I’ll make sure she doesn’t tell him anything about you guys.” I nodded my head and smiled.

When they entered his room, I immediately went to the cafeteria and ordered a coffee. I don’t have the appetite to eat. I went to sit at the corner beside the glass window of the cafeteria.

I sighed. This is just perfect. I really hadn’t prepared myself that Nick will have amnesia. I thought that once he woke up, we both could just kiss and make-up, forgive and forget, start new, live happily ever after; end of story but what will happen now that he couldn’t remember anything about us? I wonder if he still remembers that he was in love with me. Are the feelings still there or has the accident also erased whatever he felt towards me before this? What if the accident has altered his feeling towards me? What if he has forgotten what he actually felt towards me? It can happen, right? Can it?

If the love we have can’t be remembered by him; will I able to make him fall in love with me? Scenarios of failure of such attempts flew threw my head. Thoughts that he might not want to give our relationship a chance; the accident might have changed his personality and the fire between would disappear; he might not like me the way I am if he has changed; he might not think that I’m his perfect life-partner and if he rejects me can I live without him?

My thoughts were scaring me. I looked down at my stomach, it wasn’t prominent that I’m pregnant yet. I have to try my best for my child, our child. The baby deserves a functional family.

I closed my eyes and silently prayed, “Dear God, please don’t erase whatever feeling he felt towards me, please. Please let him remember that he loved me.”

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