Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

“Hey Ashley,” I heard more than one voice answering me.

“Mum, who’s that?’ I asked.

“Well, it me, your daddy and your in-laws,” she replied cheerfully, “Hi Ashley,” Mrs. Sinclair greeted me confirming that she’s there.

In-laws? “Hi…” I stutter, didn’t know what to say.

“It’s Nick there with you?’ she asked. I nodded but then realized that she couldn’t see me I immediately replied, “Yes, he’s here.”

“Good. Why don’t you turn on your face time? We wanted to talk to him too,” mum told me.

I sighed and move nearer to Nick before telling him, “They wanted a video call.”

He chuckled before moving closer to me stretching his arms behind me until our knees touched while I pressed the icon. I don’t know why I could feel my face blushed, maybe because I’m not use of sitting so close besides him.

 “Hi everyone,” Nick waved cheerfully at them.

“We all are so angry with you young man. Why do you have to drag her Vegas to get married to her? You should do it here when everyone is around.” daddy started with a serious tone but I could see that he’s not serious.

Nick chuckled, “Well, you know that I need to get your daughter drunk before she could agree to marry me. She wouldn’t agree if she is sober,” I glared at him.

“Ha, ha,” daddy laughed along with everyone making me rolled my eyes at them, “Yep, you got that right. So you did manage to get her drunk huh?”

“Daddy!!” I scolded him and he just laughed again.

“Well whatever it is we all are so happy that you both finally come to your senses,” said daddy, “Even though we are quite disappointed that you didn’t have a big wedding with everyone around.”

“Yes, we all are but you don’t know how long we’ve been waiting for you both to end-up together,” add his father while the rest nodded. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

“Yeah, you both look perfect together,” joined mum sighing happily with his mother.

I just rolled my eyes again hopping they could see how I actually felt but I think no one notice it because his father added, “We all have decided to have a reception to announce your marriage to everyone,” he smiled proudly before continuing, “Ashley, you don’t know how proud Jenny and I to have you as our daughter-in-law. That’s why we couldn’t wait to announce your marriage and introduce you to everyone.”

I felt like crying hearing his words. It was so sweet. I’m lost for words don’t know what to tell them.

“And we are proud to have you Nick in our family,” said daddy giving the same proud smile, “We have sent the invitations to family and friends. We shall have the reception a day after you both come back from Vegas.”

I felt so bad and I wish I could tell them the truth but I couldn’t make myself do it.  I couldn’t bear to see them hurt and heartbroken. They all look so happy and thrilled with our marriage. Nick and I looked at each other and I could see from the look on his face, he was thinking the same. I bite my lips.

I turned and looked back at our parents and smile, “We love you guys and I think you all know that. We want you guys to know that whatever we all did, you guys are always in our mind. We wouldn’t want to do anything to hurt any of your feelings,” I said to them.

All of them remained quiet and I could see mum and his mother have happy tears in their eyes while both daddy and his father still wearing the same proud face. I turned and looked back at Nick who was sitting quietly besides me. He looked nervous with what I’m going to tell them.

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