Chapter 13

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A/N : My dear Friends and Readers

I'm so sorry for the late update.... I have been sick but I'm ok now.... I hope you guys enjoy this chapter... Keep the comments and voting coming..... muah

- Sally -


Chapter 13 – Edited by Grammar_Nazi

“You’re going to Bora-Bora?” inquired Amy, when I told her over the phone about the honeymoon. “Wow.”

“Yeah, wow,” I nodded my head as if she could see me, “Isn't that great?”

“You're going with my brother?” she asked.

“Yes, whom should I go with otherwise?” I asked her back and rolled my eyes.

“Hmm, that's exciting,” she said.

“What do you mean?” I asked. 

“You think you will be safe so close to my brother or vice-versa?” she giggled. “I don’t think any one of you would be safe.”

“Well, I’m going to make sure your brother keeps his hands to himself,” I told her “and as for me, I think I could control myself,” I confidently added.

I heard her laugh, “Yeah, right. You want to bet?”

“Did you bring any protection with you?” she asked and I gasped. Damn I always forgot about these things; maybe because I’m used to not having to think about them.

“Nothing’s going to happen,” I assured her.

“Are you sure? It’s a very romantic place and what more you both are staying in the Honeymoon suite. You’ll be watching my brother’s six packs every day and night. Anything could happen,” she warned.

“Well, I’m going to make sure nothing happens,” I hissed through the phone, “I’m going to tie your brother to the bed to make sure he wouldn’t do anything to me, and I’m going to make sure that one of us is sleeping on the floor, that’s for sure,’ I told her while she just laughed.

“Well, whatever my dear,” she sang, “Enjoy yourself.” I rolled my eyes again before hanging up the phone. Amy’s words about protection rang in my head. Maybe I could get that in the pharmacy at the airport. Yeah, I need to put a reminder on the phone to remind me later.

“Wow, amazing,” I couldn’t keep my mouth closed when we arrived at Tahiti as I awed over the place. From the airplane I could see the view and it was beautiful even though it was nearly dark. 

A boat took us to the island and I couldn’t stop snapping my camera. The hotel’s staff greeted us by putting Leis (Hawaiian word for garland) around our neck and served us with refreshments. I enjoyed the sunset scenery, while Nick registered our names.

“Our room is ready,” said Nick standing besides me. “We could enjoy the view later.”

I smiled and nodded my head. He held my hand and we both followed the bell boy to our room. Again I gasped when I looked at our beautiful room which was right above the water. Of course there’s a king size bed, sofa, reading table and with balcony on the outside overlooking the sea.

“You could have your breakfast, lunch and dinner in our restaurant or in your own room. We also serve breakfast on the deck by a canoe. We have barbeque every night at the terrace,” the bell boy told us. “By the way my name is Nico, and please don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything.”

“Thank you,” said Nick shaking his hand. He smiled and bowed before exiting out from our room.

I went out to the balcony looking at the view and Nick came to sit beside me, “Beautiful isn’t it?” I asked him.

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