Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 - Edited by Grammar_Nazi

It was half past six when the alarm clock pulled me out of my deep slumber. I turned it off quickly before Nick woke up and opened my eyes slowly. I looked over at Nick who was still asleep with his arms still wrapped around me, keeping me secure. Feeling his warm body against mine reminded me of the beautiful and wild things we did last night, my stomach fluttered at the memories. I smiled feeling happy and content that Nick does want me after all.

I kissed his chin before I removed his hands slowly, getting up and walked into the bathroom. While I urinated, I noticed bit of blood in it. Ignoring it, I got into the shower.

When I got out from the bathroom, Nick was sitting on the bed and when he glanced at me, I blushed. I was only wrapped in a towel; I thought he would still be sleeping.

“Good morning,” I greeted him trying to act normal.

“What is this?” he asked me seriously while pointing at a small red dot on the bed.

“What?” I asked and looked at it nearer. Damn, there’s a small blood stain on the sheet. I looked at him who still looking at me with serious face, “I…um… I don’t know,” I shuttered.

“You don’t know?” he snorted, “That’s your blood and you don’t know?”

I gulped, “If you already knew that’s my blood then why did you ask?” I could feel my face becoming tomato red.

“Why didn’t you tell me you’re a virgin?” he asked me.

“Because I thought I’m no longer one,” I retorted

“What? Why would you think so?” he queered again.

“Because there was blood on the bed in Vegas and I put two and two together. There was more blood there though,” I pointed out.

“What?” he queried “You mean to say that this is your second time?” I looked away unable to answer him. “You never did it with your boyfriend?” he asked again. I remained quiet.

He turned me around to bring us face to face. I looked into his eyes, where I could see worry and confusion. “Tell me Ashley. Was it your second time last night? You were never tempted to do it with your boyfriend?” he demanded with venom in his voice as he said ‘boyfriend’. “Tell me Ashley!”

“Yep, this is the second time!” I snapped, “I have never had sex with anyone before and you are my one and only! Happy?”

“I should be!” he retorted back at me, “But you should have told me.”

“Why? So that you could laugh and mock me?” I angrily asked him.

“Damn you Ashley! Am I really that bad in your book?” he scoffed. I pouted my lips and looked away from him unable to look at him.

I heard him sigh. “Were you on pills that night?” he asked softly.

I still didn’t turn to look at him but replied, “I never thought I’m going to have sex with anyone. I didn’t have that stuff with me,” I admitted softly, my voice was fading with every word.

“Oh god,” he sounded worried, “Didn’t you even think of doing it with your boyfriend?”

I hesitated for a while but decided to tell him, “I don’t have any boyfriend. I lied to you.”

“What? You lied? Why did you do that?”

I didn’t know how to answer this question.

“Gosh, I am a very bad guy in your book, aren’t I?” he asked me with slight amusement.

“Did you take anything after that night?” he asked sternly.

“No, I’d totally have forgotten about it until daddy mentioned about us giving him some grandchildren,” I confessed looking at him who surprisingly had a concerned face instead.

“So, that was why you look so worried that night,” he said but more to himself. “When was your last period?” he inquired.

I paused trying to remember, “About two weeks ago,” I told him.

“So, there is a chance that you might have conceived,” he said to me. “You didn’t intend to tell me about it, did you?”

“I promised you that I’m going to tell you when we were alone. I wanted to talk to you about it also and the party didn’t seem the right place. But you were totally knocked out that night and then it just slipped off my mind,” I told him.

“Now also I pressured you to talk about it.” He pointed out.

I pouted my lips before answering “I thought of going to pharmacy on the day we came here to ask whether there’s a way to avoid pregnancy, again it slipped off my mind.” I rubbed my hand on my forehead trying to figure out where this situation will lead us.

He looked at me then smirked, “You stupid girl. It’s already more than 72 hours. It’s too late. You shouldn’t take any pills unless you intend to kill it,” and then cast a worried look at me, “You’re not going to abort it, are you?”

“No. Of course I would never do that!” I snapped, “You think I’m that mean?”

“No, you are not the mean one, I am,” he mocked me. His eyes looked stormy.

I cast him an apologetic look and asked him softly, “So, what do you suggest I do now?”

“Nothing,” he said, “We will only know whether you conceived in four weeks or when your period is late. Are your period regular?”

“Yeah,” I nodded my head and then looked weirdly at him, “Are you a doctor or what? How come you know about all this?”

He chuckled, “I read about this stuff my dear and for your information, I’ve worked as a cashier in a pharmaceutical shop during my college years. I learned a lot of stuff from the consultant, including this.”

I was shocked and my mouth opened wide. I never thought Nick had a part-time job, he did not require one. He was born with a silver spoon and his family had enough money that he can spend his entire life without working.  Closing my mouth shut before some flies entered it, I questioned him, “So now there’s nothing I can do?”

“Yeah nothing except be my real wife,” he smirked.

“What do you mean by ‘be my real wife’?” I inquired while waving my hands in quotation marks.

“You think after everything I know about you, I’m going to let you go?” He asked.“No way.” He added firmly.

“What you mean no way?” I asked again.

“I’m responsible for you and the baby, if there is one, from now on. Whether you like it or not,” he said.

 “You promised that we will stay married for two months only,” I reminded him.

“Well that’s before I knew the whole situation,” he said.

“No! I don’t want to be your wife,” I protest.

“Too late, you already are,” he reminded me.

“I’m going to get an annulment from you immediately,” I threatened.

“You go ahead try and see whether I’m going to give you one?” he smirked.

“I’m going to tell our parents the truth about our relationship,” I threatened again.

“If you don’t care about their feelings go ahead and do it,” he yelled.

“I don’t care anymore,” I yelled back at him, “I’m going to tell them, unless you agree to give me an annulment.”

“Over my dead body,” he retorted and dashed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

“You are going to wish you were actually dead when I tell them the truth,” I yelled back. I don’t care whether he could hear me or not. I wanted to smash something really badly; he always does that to me. He makes me angry and furious.

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