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                      We all sat in the middle of the bus as Troy and Ryan were trying to find a way to take off Jessica's face brace. The other girl next to Jessica was still unconscious, She gave me a familiar feeling while I was looking at her trying to figure out where I've seen her before.

"Anyone got their phone on them?" Troy sighed searching in his pockets.

"No." I shook hugging myself to keep warm when Ryan started hitting and punching at the windows.

"No.. Fucking Way!" He huffed as he barely caused a dent on the steel panels. "Ha Ha, very funny pranks over! Get me out of here!"

"Ryan Stop!" Jessica trembled in her seat. "Please... Just sit." He rolled his eyes and plopped down on the nearest seat.

"H-Hey guys!" Ryan called out from the front. "There is someone else unconscious here!" Troy went up first and I followed behind him. "I don't know him, Do you, Troy?" He gulped.

"No." He replied as I got closer I felt my heart stop for a moment. "Do you know him?" Troy turned to me.

"Y-Yeah.." I gulped. "His name is Alvaro." I sat in the seat shaking him to see if he would wake up but he was still deeply unconscious. "I-I can't do this..." I sighed trying to keep calm when I jumped at the sound of static coming from a loud speaker in the bus.

"I wanna play a game."

"No Fucking way..." Troy gasped in fear.

"You all have been nothing but a pain in society, Living life stealing from others and not appreciating what life you have been given. Sharing something in common, You all are being judged and are here to ask for forgiveness, A second chance. You have 12 hours to survive than an opportunity will open. Live or die, The choice is yours." The loudspeaker went quiet and we were all in an eerie silence.

"This is fucking funny Troy!" Ryan laughed play pushing him. "Come on man let us out. The joke is over!"

"R-Ryan." Troy Stuttered. "I Didn't do this..."

"C-come on Jess! Let's go!"Ryan started to panic. 

"Ryan dude calm-"

"Fuck off troy!" He said pushing him away. "You!" He said looking at me. "I don't know you! So that makes you a suspect in my book!"

"You don't think I'm terrified!" I shouted. "I have no idea why I'm here! I am as clueless as you!"

"Yeah!" He stepped closer. "Then start by telling us who the fuck you are!"

"I- Um..." I really didnt wanna open up on who I was. Not right now.

"Bitch fucking speak!" Jessica growled shoving me from behind and onto the floor.

"I'm Natasha!" I coughed getting up.

"Natasha?" Jessica gasped shocked as she sat back down. "You mean you're-"

"Yes..." I sighed. "I'm the one that survived 5 years ago."

                                Troy, Ryan, and Jessica were in shock and had to sit down for them to understand that this was no prank and it was real.

"What do we do..." Jessica asked.

"We follow the rules." I gulped. "That simple and we live..."

"So no one fucking move or touch anything for 12 mother fucking hours!" Troy ordered pacing back and forth at the front of the bus trying to kick open the doors, but they wouldn't budge.

"We're gonna die here.." Jessica sobbed holding herself. I sat there hoping that's all we had to do, Just wait until the time flys by. Yeah, that's it. I leaned against the window when coughing from the far back of the bus caught us by surprise.

"Nobody move!" Troy ordered.

"But we need to help them." I sighed standing up when Troy shoved me back down and got in my face. "I said Don't Move!" He snarled and turned to the coughing. "Hey! Who's there!" He shouted, But no one answered. "Hey!" I got up and pushed Troy away as I made my way to the last seat at the back of the bus, Only to be astonished at what I was seeing.

"Mikey!" I gasped as he tried to regain consciousness, His forehead was bloody and the girl laying on top of him was also in bad shape.

"Nat?" He spat as I was taking the chains off. "What happened-"

"I should ask you that question." I sighed wiping away the blood from his forehead as I helped him sit up.

"I- Uh was driving.." He sighed trying to remember. "Then we got in an accident and I wake up here.." He said at the same time turning to the girl next to him. "Oh My God! Cindy wake up!"

"She'll be fine," I explained. "Shouldn't take long now till she comes too-"

"NATASHA!" Troy shouted out from the front of the bus. "Who the fuck is back there!?"

"A person I know.." I sighed back. "There's also another girl that hasn't woken up. Anytime now Mike," I said still wiping away some blood from his head with my sleeve.

"Cindy baby please..." mikey was too busy focused on her than on his injuries on himself.

"Mikey! Hold still!" I had to say sternly holding his head to face me. The worry and hurt in his eyes only made me feel bad. I let him go as soon as I wiped off the blood near his eye. Was this my fault? Did I cause-

"Monica!" Jess screeched helping the girl next to her sit up.

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