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              Alvaro choked up, his eyes filling with tears as he reached out and hugged me tight letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank you..." He repeated. "T-Thank you, Natasha...I'm so sorry for what I did." I hugged him back feeling sincerity in his words and in his embrace. It wasn't long until the short moment was broken by Monica kicking the box. 

"S-So you let him live...But let Daniel die..." She sighed, "Ha! You were granted your wish to die and you fought for your useless pathetic life!" 

"Let it go, Monica!" Cynthia spoke aching in pain. "For fucks sake, It was your own fault for letting him have another girl on the side. You fucking knew about her! And you were fucking okay with that!" Monica went over and grabbed her by her throat as she choked out.

"He loved ME!" Monica spat. "ME!" she let go leaving Cynthia choking for air as Monica turned to me. Troy attempted to step forward when she quickly snapped her head in his direction with rage in her eyes. "Don't fucking get close to me!" She threatened, pulling out a gun from behind her.

"Woah! Where the fuck did you get that!" Cynthia said startled by the gun.

"Jesus!" Troy stepped back. "Calm down! We are so close, so so close Monica!"

"She killed Daniel!" Monica began sobbing aiming the gun at my head, I just stood there frozen in fear. "She fucking deserves it!" I gulped watching as the pain blinded her and refused to see the truth in all this. I cautiously stepped forward slightly as she cocked the hammer of the gun back as I did.

"Y-You don't understand!" I stammered, "H-He always drugged me! He was always with other women, not just you, Monica! He made it clear we weren't enough for him! He lied to both of us! Look at you, He hurt you so bad that you can't see the truth!" 

"Liar!" She screamed. "Daniel loved me, and only me! and you fucking killed him-"

"I didn't have a choice!" I cried.

"Monica! Listen to her!" Mikey joined in. 

"Shut up!" She sobbed. "You killed someone I love now I'll do the fucking same!" Alvaro tackled me down as a shot went off. I quickly looked at myself to see where I had been shot but Troy stumbled back groaning as blood seeped through his shoulder. 

"What the fuck!" Troy groaned. Monica panicked looking around her as she pointed the gun at Alvaro.

"Put the brace on!" She threatened. "Put it on!" 

"Monica what are you doing!" Cynthia cried. 

"Follow the rules, Monica!" I shouted as Alvaro clicked his collar closed. The little barrels all blinked red as they turned to aim directly into his face. 

"S-Shit."Alvaro gulped turning to me. 

"Fuck the rules!" Monica chuckled. "I'm in control now! I'm jigsaw now bitch! I decide who lives or dies now!" She shot a few shots inches away from me as I cowered down on the floor covering my ears. "HE came to ME! These are all YOUR tests!"

"Than you should know better than to follow his rules!" I gulped looking up at her. 

"Psycho bitch!" Alvaro spat. Monica laughed walking over to Cynthia. "Do you want revenge on Mikey for killing your precious boyfriend?" Cynthia turned to her confused and scared. "Press the button on the dashboard. It'll guarantee Mikeys end!"

"No..." I gasped raising my head up. "Monica stop it!" 

"You can't do that!" Mikey shouted as Monica aimed the gun cornering him back into his seat.

"Come on Cynthia, Do it!"Monica ordered as Troy groaned as I sat next to him moving out of Cynthia's way who weakly walked toward the front. Cynthia's hand hovered over the button as she turned to meet Mikey's gaze. 

"F-Fucking do it!" Mikey shouted. She sat in the driver's seat as she slammed her hand down on the button smiling looking over at Mikey. Nothing happened right away and I heard a sigh of relief come from Alvaro.

"What the fuck Monica You said-" Cynthia's words were cut off when a sharp sheet of blade suddenly dropped down cutting Cynthia's whole body vertically in half. Everyone screamed at seeing the ungodly sight. 

"Wh-What did you!" Troy gasped. "You killed Cynthia!" Mikey threw up from the tension of all this and seeing Cynthia's body split in half and onto the bus floor. 

"N-No!" Monica gulped shaking. "It was meant for Mikey. F-Fuck!" 

                    The stench of blood and flesh became unbearable to withstand anymore. The bus windows and floors were splattered in blood as pools of blood surrounded the bodies. Monica shakily managed to keep the gun in her hands as she aimed out in front of her. 

"Things not going to plan, Monica..." Alvaro said turning to her.

"Let me out!" Monica yelled shooting up toward the roof of the bus. 

"He doesn't like cheaters!"I spoke. "Trust me I know! Monica, I tried saving Daniel the first time. And I did it! But there's always a choice we have to make!"

"Oh god shut up!" Monica groaned putting her hands around my neck and choking me down to the ground. "Die bitch!" Mikey desperately tried getting her off me but her determination to hurt me overpowered everyone. Throughout all the commotion and me starting to lose consciousness, a loud thud sounded at the back of the bus.

"Our opportunity will open..." I heard Troy groan as he chuckled. "We're free!" Monica slammed my head on the floor one last time before getting off me. Mikey and Alvaro carefully sat me up as Troy and Monica examined the small trap door that popped open from the bus floor. Red lettering was painted on the trap door. "Your Opportunity." 

"Fuck it, let's go!" Troy called out climbing down. All three of us made out way to the back when Monica abruptly turned around aiming a gun at us. 

"There is no opportunity for you..." She spat. "You three will die here. Your useless lives will be of no use to the world we live in."

"What are you talking about!" I argued while she climbed her way down. "We survived we played this game it's over!" 

"No...All of you go to hell!"She smirked evilly. "Game over." She shut the trap door as we tried to desperately reopen it again but it was sealed shut. A timer turned on in the radio area in the front while all three of us tried opening the trap door. 

"No! No!" I slammed my fists down. "MONICA!" 

30 Seconds

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