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       Monica? where have I- Mikey groaned in pain interrupting my train of thought as I helped him sit up straight. The girl beside him, Cindy, was slowly but surely regaining consciousness making Mikey let out a sigh of relief. I heard Troy and Jessica talk amongst them while Monica was also waking up, it seemed like everyone was. Ryan was still chilled out in the front drinking from a flask he pulled out from his pants pocket. 

"Who could drink right now..." I mumbled wiping the last bit of blood from MIkeys face. 

"Come on Cindy, You're okay, I'm right here baby..." Mikey whispered carefully placing her head on his lap caressing her cheek. I took off my jacket and used it as a pillow for Cynthia to use on Mikey's lap. He gave me a gentle nod as I let out a sigh and stood up. Ryan looked over at me still downing whatever alcohol there was in that flask. "You know them?" he questioned. 

"I know Mikey." I sighed sitting a row in front of them. 

"Seems like you know almost everyone..." He scoffed taking another swig of his flask.

"Monica, Fuck your okay!" Jessica cried hugging her tight. Troy took off his jacket and placed it around Monica, all I could see was the back of her head, a brunette with gold highlights. I rubbed my eyes from stress when I got a flashback to Daniel's lifeless body. Why the fuck was I here again?!  Without a second to react, I felt a hand grip my neck and slam me tp the back of the bus pinning me by my neck.

"YOU'VE BEEN HERE BEFORE!" He yelled in a fit of rage, "TELL US HOW THE FUCK WE GET OUT!" I gripped his wrist tight trying to breathe as my eyes began to water. 

"BACK UP!" Mikey shoved back Troy letting me free before landing a punch across his face. I gasped for air watching as everyone was at each other's necks for answers. I swallowed painfully as I leaned against a seat trying to stay up. "We have to play  by the rules..." I choked out. "Only then can we survive." 

"Fuck that!" Ryan cursed finally taking a stand. "That's what he wants us to do to fucking die! And I'm not fucking dying! If you want to go right the fuck ahead!"

"I-I'm with Ryan!" Jessica stuttered. "I don't know what this brace around my face does! a-and I don't wanna find out!" 

            I sat with Mikey while Ryan and Troy were cautiously in the front of the bus trying to look for a way out. I let out a sigh that caught Mikey's attention as he placed his hand on my shoulder in comfort. "Alvaro is here." I gulped hesitant to tell him at first. 

"Al-Our Alvaro?" He said in shock. "Why, What the hell is going on?" 

"I don't know-" I stopped hearing a whimper from behind us, it was Cynthia, Mikey quickly went to her aid as she bolted upright. 

"Where am I?!" She gasped and began crying uncontrollably. "What the fuck am I doing here!" Mikey hugged her tight as the sobs and cries of Cynthia were gaining attention from the others.

"It's alright Ba-" Cynthia pushed Mikey away as she tried standing up only to collapse on the floor groaning in extreme pain.

"What's wrong with her?" Jessica approached concerned.

"W-We got in an accident before we were here," Mikey explained helping Cynthia up. "She's really injured-" Cynthia grabbed at her side trying to subside the pain as she sat down again.

"Your damn fault!" She argued. "It's your fault, Your probably the fucking reason we're here!" 

"Cynthia?" A voice behind me questioned. We all turned to Ryan who looked astonished, Cynthia's eyes grew wide  "R-Ryan?" She muttered. He quickly rushed to her and wrapped his arms around her. She dug her face in his neck and I Could tell that Mikey's heart shattered at what was happening in front of him. Everyone had gotten quiet and staring at these new lovers embraced together. I pulled Mikey away up to the front seats of the bus away from the crowd in the back. 

"Mikey!" I whispered turning his head toward me, his eyes teary from trying to hold them back."Look at me, I know this is a lot to handle but you need to concentrate!" He locked eyes with me for a second and then something snapped, anger ruptured through.

"Everything I've done..." He spat out balling his fists. He turned toward them in his seat. "You used me! For all your fucking dirty jobs!" Ryan and Cynthia both ignored him as they kept holding each other. This only added to Mikey's anger. "So they were right! What they said about you, Cynthia!" Mikey groaned still holding back tears. "Your just a whore-"

"Hey!" Ryan stood up to defend her. "Watch your fucking mouth! If you didn't wanna do it, You shouldn't have done it, boy! It was you who chose to do it!" 

"Because I LOVED HER!" He responded with a voice crack. "I left my family for her! Everyone I loved! I lost...Because of her..." Ryan scoffed and turned to him chuckling as if what Mikey said was all a joke. 

"Loved! add an -ED at the end, Fucker!" Ryan laughed Mikey stood up enraged and charged straight to Ryan shoving him back. Ryan staggered to his feet and threw a punch at Mikey missing him completely. Mikey returned the punch straight to his nose. Troy interfered putting himself in the middle pushing them both aside. 

"Guys, this isn't helping!" Troy huffed. "Both of you cool it, alright!" 

"If I had...A fucking chance to kill you!" Mikey panted from anger. "I would take it!" Ryan covered his bloody nose as he stared down at Mikey only to return to Cynthia's arms. I gently pulled Mikey back to our seats when I Jumped at the sound of a chain lowering from the top of the front of the bus near the driver's seat. The chain dangled with a tape recorder attached to it, In red letters painted RYAN. 

"N-No one get near it!" I ordered back Mikey and me toward the back of the bus.

"Who named you fucking boss..." Monica snapped. "That shit has Ryan's name, Ryan go fucking get it!" 

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