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                          It was late at night and Alvaro was wandering the streets smoking and drinking beer as he tried his hardest not to stumble around. It had been hours since his discussion with his aunt and he figured she would be asleep by now. He decided to head home through a short cut through some underground tunnels that led to a park next to his house. As he walked toward the manhole where it would lead down to the tunnels he started hearing someone following him, He turned around but didn't see anyone and just shrugged it off as he climbed down. The tunnel was dark and cold, a small stream of water went through it as he shuffled forward using a small pen light. He sneezed and took out a napkin from his pocket but instead, he took out a keychain with a picture of his two ex-best friends.

"They're better off without me anyway.." He sighed and tossed behind him as he continued forward when he heard a heavy splash of water behind him. It was too dark to see and his pen light wasn't bright enough to see any further than 3 feet. "Hello?" He called out, his voice echoing throughout the tunnel. "Probably some hobo." he sighed continuing his way, he was almost to the other side when he began hearing footsteps coming up behind him. He walked faster but the steps were right behind him now. He turned to confront whoever it was following him but his face was suddenly covered in a black bag and he felt a sharp sting in his neck.

"H-Help... Me.." He choked out struggling but he soon collapsed. 

                             "Yo guys!" Troy called out coming back inside the Restaraunt holding a twenty-four pack of beer. "This was on next to our car! Someone must have left it by accident, Poor suckers."

"Awesome! Today is a lucky night." Monica smiled. "Lets got to the beach and drink up tonight! What do you say, Ryan? You in?"

"Count me in!" Jessica yawned.

"Nah, I have a date tonight," Ryan smirked standing up. "Just give me my share of the cash and a ride home."

"You sure bro?" Troy sighed. "It's a great night."

"Yeah, I have shit to do." He nodded as everyone stood up as they began heading out.

"Wait wait!" Jessica sighed. "You boys head to the car, Danielle accompany me to the restroom. Please." They agreed and Jessica pulled Monica to the girl's restroom where they were away from the guys. 

"You okay Jess?" Monica asked concerned yanking her arm away as Jessica fumbled around for something in her purse. "Jessica?"

"Here!"Jessica gulped handing her two hundred bucks. "You have people right?"


"Please Damn it!" She groaned. "I need Heroin! Please be a friend-"

"Fucks sake here!" Monica groaned pulling out a small metal tin out of her bag and handing it to her. "This is the last time I'm giving you shit!"

"Yes yes, Whatever." Jessica jumped in excitement stuffing it in her purse. "Come on Come on! let's go!"

                                      After dropping off Ryan at his apartment they stopped at Monica house while Troy went to go get some weed from a dealer. Monica straight away locked herself in the bathroom while Monica sat in her living room hearing the moans of Jessica getting doped up. Monica laid on the couch for a few minutes till Jessica came out of the bathroom all cheery and laughing while stumbling to get to the couch.

" Fuck!" Jessica moaned. "That's was good. No word to troy about this."

"Yeah." Monica sighed looking at Jessicas arm that had healing pricks of the needle where she injected herself. "Who gave you the stuff before?"

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